A lot of people are still using and investing on cryptocurrencies and that also includes Bitcoin. With a lot of people still using it despite the price dump, I don't think it will die that easily. They can just run their mouth the way they want to but I don't think investors and traders of crypto will let Bitcoin die that easily. The community of Bitcoin is compact and strong.
If there's strong support from investors, traders, developers, and individuals alike, then I see no reason why Bitcoin would die anytime soon. Of course, the main concern is the USD price per Bitcoin, if you depend on it as a source of income. However, that shouldn't matter if Bitcoin remains alive for a long time. It's not about pricing, but usability instead. The world needs an alternative economic system that's free from the likes of banks, governments, and other third parties worldwide.
Hence, Bitcoin is the perfect solution for this, as it enables a sovereign economy that no single entity could disrupt. Based on previous events, there will be FUD all over mainstream media, and many well-known figures in the mainstream world. But what's most important is that Bitcoin, as well as, other cryptocurrencies are here to stay.
Nonetheless, it may not be game over in terms of Bitcoin's existence and longevity, but it could be game over for its high prices (at least in the short term). Just my opinion