With the following criteria...
1) Make spendable (can't use it to trade) $5,000 usd net a month.
2) Daytrading full time.
3) No other means of income (can't sell my service).
*4) Starting with $15,000.
5) Trading all crypto (not just btc).
The thing is, you could always find other ways to make 5k+ per month on bitcoin, you do not have to do trading. Which means that there is a specific "need" for trading to be the main reason, which I do not quite frankly understand. Think about it, if you are a regular normal person, why would you want to spend hours upon hours trading everyday to make this kind of money when you could find other ways?
For example, buy ethereum with as much money as you possibly can and stake that? Or do that with UNI or Cake and eventually you will realize that there is still a risk involved, but you are also growing your money as well while making a profit. None of this can be done with 15k, that's way too little, but if you have something like 250k, then you could literally live your life with crypto.
I have a friend with 1.5 million dollars and he invested that into many different crypto currencies and tokens, and he hasn't worked a day in the last 2 years, plus he grew his money to even higher highs while still spending it.