Adolf was as competent as a commander, as Mark was as a businessman.
Otherwise we wouldn't be in this thread
Adolf Shicklegruber was an Sabbatean marcher lord. Research his childhood an the Sabbatean rituals. I am not saying the Sabbateans and Zevi/Frankists are pure evil, only that they themselvesa are formed by the thing against which they fought.
One's enemy, is what sculpts one. So, the person above who cannot tell the difference between Moses and talmud, is just as they should be. To merge Moses and talmud, has always been the goal of the Sabbteans. But I myself have most apprecaited Rabbi Marvin-Antelman's book [ ] work "To Eliminate the Opiate" which is not semetic at all, it's just a rabbi discussing how other false rabbi/mullah/bishops use false fronts to destroy all religions, in order to usher in super-Platonism, which would be the "Paradise new system" after the ultimate holocausting of "Armageddon".
I myself remain firmly against Armageddon and those who would try to bring it about. It is an abhorrent idea. But anyway, it is good to stick to the facts, not polarizing as some do in this thread. Moses is ntohing to do with talmud, in fact, his enemies were the talmudic priests, which is why his spiritual and temporal son Jesus acted just as Moses did in his day, shaming the priests.
If your religion is based on priests/bishops/rabbi/mullahs then you place faith in other men. I think that's the biggest lesson of MK and Gox, regardless of his training and parenting and alliances. He himself is part of alliances and as you can read above, he has some wrong but deep conceptions of Moses. So, despite some people here who are too touchy, I think Mark's own opinions make this a viable thread.
Also, the talmud tacitly says that profit and debt are preferable to mercy. That is why Jesus said "Love" was a NEW commandment. Because they were being so politically righteous yet unloving. Jesus is saying to them that love was no part of their behavior, just as it is no part of this world.