Truth bomb: going all-in every other hand hides nothing. Like shouting 'I have a monster!' in a quiet library. Not subtle, right? Also effective? Ignore it. Poker is mental chess, not a slot machine, online or offline. It requires strategic thinking and intentional trickery, not merely throwing chips around for luck. So dump the all-in spam and start creating a mystery bet web. Online and live, that's poker's true art
Wow that was deep.
In my case I liked to play with friends and seeing people try to hide what they have or do the opposite of what they used to do in previous rounds to throw others off was always so much fun.
I felt like real game where you can laugh and comment when they finally show their hands is one of the best parts of the game. That social interaction that online poker lacks.
That said, I talk from the perspective of an inexperienced player who considers losing $50 a lot for one night. When we played with friends blinds were less than $1 so I understand when high rollers prefer to focus on the cards with no noises around them and no nervous looks from other people at the table. When you go online you also skip all the drama.