When one gets to set a goal, you process means or steps that you could take to archive that goal, go through those steps, the huddles that would play in to thwart the process and how you handled them, there you would find life’s lesson to not just handling the process to archiving your aims and goals but, how you get to manage and build relationships with the people you meet on the way.
The lesson to arching a goal always resides on the path, the process.
I believe that I get your point, yet I am not sure if I agree with you completely because there can be ways in which we set up our goals in ways that are easier to achieve and some aspects might be harder to achieve, and merely because on some days we might achieve our goals easily and we will be able to take the day off or relax does not necessarily mean that we have not been sufficiently ambitious in the ways that we set our goals.
It seems by nature there are going to be more difficult aspects within our goals, and I don't necessarily disagree with you that if the rewards come for free, then we might not have had set our goals in a challenging enough way.. and sometimes if we were to go through several years of NOT having challenging goals and not having any hurdles to get over, then we might find that we lost some opportunities to really reach some of our potentials, because some opportunties or abilities to go down certain paths will close if we are not in the right place at the right time in our live's journey.... so there are some needs to prepare in advance and sometimes tradeoffs that might not be apparent at the earlier points in time.
I do actually believe that it is a better kind of practice to NOT set goals that are overly difficult to achieve, because there are some benefits in achieving goals along the way to paths of BIGGER goals.. but it could be that we are on a similar page that it is good to have some higher goals that need to be sufficiently challenging, and maybe even some realization that not all goals will be achieved.. even though surely there are some people who do proclaim that they had met all of their goals in life - which surely could be the case for some people as well.. at least in the sense that there might be some goals that are considered important and central and other goals that might be considered bonus goals that may or may not need to be achieved.
That’s in a way to agree to a notion that, there must be a plan in sight first that acting could solidify! Wouldn’t that be the right thing? Because, you can’t just have a goal and start acting with the hope of making errors and then, you start reviewing/devising a plan from that. A plan would have to be in place first I think.
I guess I had been quibbling with some of the points that seem to emphasize too much on planning, and there are values in action...
And surely there can be levels in regards to how much anyone might be acting upon their plan.. and let's say that someone keeps saying that s/he is going to build a house that has certain qualities, and maybe s/he has been talking about that plan for years, but never taking any actual actions, and so some of the actions could merely be to earn money from work, but then also there might need to be some other actions that go into identifying more specifics about the plan in regards to how much money is needed, how much money is already available and how to fill the gap... and then there might be some questions regarding who is going to do the labor, so there could be some actions that are being taken along the way, and maybe even getting up to a certain amount of money in the bank might be needed before even going through with the next steps that involve getting into specifics about identifying location and taking the further steps... but if someone needs $100k in the bank (or some quasi-liquid form) before s/he is able to start to get into the second planning step, and if s/he ONLY has $5k to $10k saved up, and many years have passed with the amount not getting even past $10k, there might be questions regarding the extent to which actions upon his/her plans are sufficiently lined up or even prioritized enough in order to be able to get through the first step of raising the early money which has to be achieved prior to going into the next stage of the journey.
So I think that I am saying that the planning and the acting go back and forth, and there are needs for both and needs to be in a kind of complementary stage - including that sometimes planning can become extensive, but it might not make sense without starting to take some actions that allow getting to the next stages... and even the acting might perhaps inform the further planning.. we learn how to make our plans better by coupling them with ongong appropriate actions.