Pogba is still doping positive, but not yet a "doping user" thats why the sanctions is not given yet. i read some news article and it was mentioned if there are several factors that cause doping, including the cream used for the skin and another factors exclude drugs and injections. If he is not a user of "doping drugs and injections", then maybe he can escape these sanctions. We'll see how the case turns out. Juventus needs to make a decision as quickly as possible, if Pogba is a positive doping user.
Everyone is taking action against Pogba already, including Juventus Turin who also froze his salary now.
Honestly whenever there have been doping allegations in any sport, I can't recall a case when the B-sample was negative suddenly. I might have missed some popular cases, but usually when the A-sample is positive it was game over.
I only know that some players tried to explain that it must have been the toothpaste or some other weird coincidence, but did anyone who was popular ever get away with such a story?
In Pogba's case it seems to have been a friend of his who is also a doctor and he recommended him this substance that is said to be legal in the United States but not in sports in Italy. Well done by the friend, but if it's true then Pogba should have talked to Juventus doctors as well. I believe he messed it up and this was it for him in the Serie A.