Nobody is "making charity illegal." That's a strawman you created to prop up your otherwise unsupportable argument.
Time, place, and manner restrictions don't make charity illegal any more than they do free speech.
You sound exactly like the Occutards who insisted that camping in public was protected by the 1st Amendment.
All you accomplish is turning off reasonable people and setting back your cause.
If you want to help feed the hungry, good. Do it at a church, food bank, shelter, or soup kitchen. Not in a public park.
Is handing out sandwiches now illegal in this jurisdiction? Oh, it is? I'd say that makes a charitable act illegal. Your passionate defense of state power is noted though. You're such an obedient citizen.
Handing out sandwiches is perfectly legal (and even encouraged by the tax code's treatment of charitable contributions) when done in the proper manner, at an appropriate venue like a soup kitchen, shelter, church, or food bank. Obviously.
Creating a messy situation in a public park by handing out sandwiches that were not made in accordance with local food safety regulations is illegal. Duh!
I am against any Federal regulations on sandwich distribution. I support the right of individuals to form communities that do regulate sandwich distribution if they so please.
Your antipathy to freedom of association and demands for an individual's altruism to be subsidized by the unwilling participants who must pay for the nasty externalized costs of that altruism is noted. You're such a cool anarchist; nice trenchcoat BTW.