This is a free country, which entails something called freedom of association.
That means we are free to choose whether or not to live in communities which have rules about sharing food. We may even vote to change those rules! Isn't democracy amazing?
There are plenty of cities where you may feed the homeless, but that's not good enough for your bleeding heart, which desires to enforce a universal uniformity and hypocritically call such homogeneous altruism-at-gunpoint "freedom."
You hate people having the freedom to choose rules for their own local community, because you want everyone to be forced to subsidize the homeless and be forced to accept the (literally shitty) externalities that giving away free food to people without their own bathrooms/toilets/sewage systems/water bills creates.
That's taking the 'Free Shit Army' to a whole new level!
So a disclaimer should suffice and people can make their own decision about taking his food or not.
This sounds good to me. If there is an ordinance against food-sharing in a park, and the old guy doesn't want to be confrontational, he could agree to meet the hungry people somewhere else to share the food.