Those who avoid Gates' vaccine are the 'fittest' insofar as they are either of the predator caste, or are in some manner omnivorous (e.g., me). The prey caste are the ones who will line up to get the vax almost by the definitions I use in this framing. There is simply not a big use for them after the 'great reset' now it is time for them to go.
When is the "great reset" happening? I need to stock up on canned beans and other very manly things.
In 2023 covid-23 will come killing off 80 % of the anti vaxers.
Note this why I am vaxing.
To me the game of vax or not to vax is simply a choice of which Russian roulette do I play.
Either one can kill me so which is the least likely one to kill me.
If the government is fully good and honest.
vax is best.
if the government is evil is the real question.
if they want to whack millions of people how do they go about it.
better yet if they want to whack millions of people what kind of people do they want to whack?
My guess for rich evil sane people whacking all the sheeple is stupid as fuck.
since the vaxers are sheeple they will not whack the vaxers.
thus the anti vaxers will die in the millions if an evil plot is afoot.
So to all the anti vaxer freedom fighters I sincerely hope the government is fairly honest for your sake.
this may 4th I get my second shot of pfizer
my wife gets her, second shot of pfizer
so that will be four shots in total for us.
So May the 4th be with you will come true for us.
To all anti vaxers good luck 🍀
To all pro vaxers good luck 🍀
what ever gun you pick up to play russian roulette with covid good luck.
to vax or not to vax that is the question.
I gave my answer.