Welcome!In case this is the first time you've heard of this project here's a
Hello, I'm 1Dq, a crypto artist that made these:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/gallery-of-original-artworks-by-1dq-5216743In 2019, I started a thread titled
BECOME PART OF AN EXCLUSIVE BITCOINTALK ART PROJECT in which I invited people to join me in conceptualizing an artwork, that was 100% focused on this board (Collectibles part of Bitcoin forum).
After some brainstorming and sketches we came to a couple of solid ideas for artworks.
I would paint Bitcoin collectibles from its conceptualization to final product.
Here's the original brainstorming thread.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/become-part-of-an-exclusive-bitcointalk-art-project-5168867And this was where we got:
We debated them a bit further, but then just before setting everything in motion we run out of steam, I left the project for other work.
Now I'm back, motivated and ready to paint some Bitcoin Collectibles in the making!
_______________________________________________________________________________This is where we are now:
PHASE 1 Brainstorming different ideas•
PHASE 2 I visualize our concept through one or more digital sketches. We evaluate these together until we come to a consensus for how we'd like the finished arwork/s to appear. We determine in what way my work and the effort of all included will be rewarded and how the final artifacts will be shared or sold. • PHASE 3 I start working on the artwork/s, updating you regularly. We promote the project to all interested, especially on Btctalk. Changes might still be made to final artwork/s.
• PHASE 4: The finished artwork/s and possible prints are put on sale/auctions/raffles and/or other means of distribution for compensation.
• PHASE 5: Final step of the project when we evaluate it and debate developing future projects.
After lots thinking, writing and drawing I came to a few ideas I'd like to share with you.
First off, I propose the (work) title for this project to be
Bitcollectors, combining Bitcoin and collectors. It seems pretty natural.
I decided to change several aspects to make the artwork more compact and inviting. Here's the completely reworked sketch:
Bitcollectors, 2024, Photoshop sketch, version 3Changes:• I went from a three piece to a single piece composition.
This way any owner of a piece will have a easier time positioning it.
Information from three previous pieces was condensed and reworked into the central one.
• Scenery was redone.
There are several individuals working on production of a physical coin, that is still the centerpiece. From melting, extruding and polishing in the background to adding Bitcoin value to the physical coin in the middle as maybe a hollogram stramp, as well as coding private keys (blockchain, market value chart, bitcoin forum on screens) to the table in the front, where one person assesses the quality of the final product. This way a lot of people will identify with work given in making these artifacts.
It's also educational to a degree, because it shows this is a long process and collectibles don't just magically appear from internet.
In the front of the table is a collection of selected collectibles (to be debated which, could be personalized for buyer).
• The general atmosphere went from a sterile, internety feel to a more life-like, textured environment. The cleanliness of digital remains on multiple screens, but I again wanted to emphasise the realness (proof) of work and people's life behind making collectible items.
• I suggest the size of paintings to be 80x60cm (31 ¹/₂ X 23 ⁵/₈˝). That would make them the perfect size for details to be perfectly discernable and not expensive for sending around the globe.
• The complexity of detail and art style is to a degree open for debate and will vary depending on how we agree to distribute the artwork/s. But I imagine it close to upgraded style of my Bitcoin miner (
I'd like to also integrate the vizualization of Blockchain with Bitcoin value, timestamps and other useful information (that used to be on the left part of the three-piece composition).
Maybe several screens in the middle section could merge into a large one, showing some sort of a unifying diagram or image (similar as on previous sketch maybe, but reworked to be more functional?).
We could then date this project from 2019-2024 as well as add any other information we found interesting or important.
Another idea I've had was adding some relatable visual attributes of certain members of this forum, especially those involved in this project.
Maybe in the form of avatars or some sort of symbols.
Now for my two biggest changes to the project that might make similar projects very interesting in the future:First is making this a series of artworks instead of one.
That would mean I'd paint an agreed upon number of paintings, that would look almost the same except…
…Those interested in owning a original piece could have details of the painting tailored to their demands.
Either their personas as main characters or their favorite collectibles or some image in the screen showing some fact.
A lot can be done here and fun can be had doing it.
Besides original painting/s, I also feel it's logical to have
prints available of demanded painting variations.
I could also personalize some details on these with Photoshop!
Since I have some friends in the printing business now, I can also make prints and send them myself, but if one would take care of distribution, especially in the US to make it easier, I'm also interested in that.
Having a series of paintings and prints take this to my last and very exciting suggestion concerning fair distribution of all finalized artifacts.
First we find out how many people are interested in participating in this project and owning either a painting or print.
Second, I propose my artist's fee to get calculated based on the hours I'd put into work on these artworks.
I'd evaluate a figure before start so we could orient around that.
As well as some sort of proof of commitment from potential buyers (proven members of this board excluded, because I know I can trust them).
One important fact is that painting a series takes (way) less time than painting different pieces, so the more canvases, the less one costs.
I can also adjust my style to the demand here. Size of the paintings and amount of detail are all possibly fluid here.
Prints the same size ( 80x60cm / 31 ¹/₂ X 23 ⁵/₈˝) should probably have an affordable price, (digitally altered copies sligtly pricier) so any Bitcoin collector could afford one.
After the completion of work, first the reserved painting/s would be distributed to buyers for set prices.
Prints would be made and distributed on demand.
For other painting/s of the series there could be a raffle system.
I imagined one that might be exciting and fair both for me and potential winners/ losers of the event:
We set a prize goal for the piece and cost for participation.
As soon as the goal is achieved, the winner is found by some proven shared random generator.
BUT everyone else gets the print version!
So if the print would cost 50$/piece, the raffle might be 70$/piece, so it's not that big a commitment as it is fun!
I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas for upgrades on above ideas.
If it worked, it could mean a new way of artist – collector relationship, that's more exciting and reciprocal.
Alright, your turn now. Please also invite anyone you think might be interested in this project to participate.