He did it and fucked me. Now my gambling balance is gone, 2 BTC.
My bets were ALL legit, dooglus, so, re-do them please
In the period that celeste was playing, there were 11 invest/divest events, dividing his 147 bets into 12 sections. For each section I calculated his net profit/loss, and calculated each investor's share of that. I summed that over each of the 12 sections.
The result in your case was that you profited 1.83299028 BTC from the 1300 BTC loss.
Your balance at the time of the rollback was 1.81377284, not enough to withdraw the 1.83299028, so I divested the difference of 0.01921744 BTC.
That's probably the wrong way to do it - I should have divested the full 1.83299028 and withdrawn that, leaving your starting balance untouched. But I didn't.
If you divest 1.81377284 now, you'll have the same balance as you did before the rollback. I didn't cancel any of *your* bets. I just took the rollback funds mostly from your balance rather than divesting it.
Edit: here are the numbers re. your investment before and after the rollback:
before, balance: 1.81377284
share: 0.0014302363919835065
purse: 26189.70369142
invested: 37.45746731
after, balance: 0.0
share: 0.001502964987472036
purse: 24909.59549078001
invested: 37.43824987
You'll see that the different in invested before and invested after is the same as the different between your starting balance and the profit you made from the rolled-back bets.
Did he Roll back all bets, even those others have done back to the point celeste started betting with the 1300 BTC, not just removed celestes bets with the 1300 btc that wasen't his/hers to bet with ?
Well that is very wrong then in that case.
I rolled back just the 1300 BTC worth of bets from celeste's account.