I had forgotten about it, but since we need a 6 digit number between 000000 and 999999 for the roll, I take the 128 character hmac-sha512 hash and break in into groups of 5 hex digits. Each group represents a number between 0 and slightly over 1 million. If the number is less than a million, I use it, else I look at the next group of 5. There's pretty much 0 chance (1 in 1e34 or so?) of getting through all 25 groups, but if I do, I use the remaining 3 hex digits, which is a very low number. So rolling low is ever so slightly easier than rolling high, but only in theory. In practice it's exactly the same.
In case you prefer code to English: https://just-dice.com/lucky.txt
Not just theoretical - this has real world inferences! If you make 1000 bets per second on 99.9999, then on average once every 3.170979e+23 years you could be a little less lucky. I think it's important your longer lived customers know about this problem.