To the others above, thanks for your support and I'd encourage you join us at the Beyond Bitcoin hangouts live if possible
Chris, have you considered hiring a professional PR person. Im listening to you on BB and you just seem to be rambling a tad. I know coders are a funky bunch so think about it because a pro pr rep could do wonders.
We have, but I think you're forgetting something which is that we're working off a budget that we already have broken down and allocated for the most part. I don't think at this point we can justify bringing someone on for simply being a spokesperson for us and paying then for that in contrast to the jobs we've recently brought people on for (Client Security Developer, Statistical Analyst Consultant). You state they could do wonders so would you mind elaborating on what you personally think they would bring to the table that's currently insufficient?
I apologize if it seems we're rambling on but at the same time I'm also surprised that you'd rather hear news about development and plans going forward from a representative rather than those who have the vision themselves and are developing it. I think due to this, we can go a lot more in depth when we give our explanations of where we're currently at and more important
we can answer technical questions. I think this is an important point because it's worth noting
Beyond Bitcoin is not simply us dumping information/updates as listeners are encouraged to probe us with questions relevant to discussion. It's hard to equip a representative with technical answers to questions we don't know ahead of time.
Thanks for your input and I'm sure as we get busier and in the future at some point we will be adding a teammate to our roster for this position.