The show went quite well. It was a bit less crypto focused than the previous ones as our focus was on discussing the launch of heroes, the jewels shop, the progress on the gambling games and the upcoming stuff we're working on in regards to token based assets/limited run cosmetics.
When will you start marketing because ever day I get up and google pro4never, apex conquer and conquerheros and jewels cryptocurrency and I get no new results.
Marketing is very important. When will it start?
Our facebook ads are live - we've reached over 125k facebook users since the start of the ad campaigns. We have a second round of ads starting this weekend and are looking into multi-site ads through gaming news websites. We're directly targeting our ads towards those who will have an interest in playing the server and as what we're releasing shifts closer to the crypto community then so will the advertisements.
But what about advertising to the crypto world, for all of the jewels holders, we invested and are holding this coin which I cant find ANY marketing or advertisements being placed to let people know about the new cool wonderful cryptocurrency. That is a major concern to me and I am going to go out on a limb and assume it is bothering others as well. Maybe if they want they can chime in and give their own opinion but just having you market on facebook to gamers and forget about all the coin holders and marketing for the coin is not a great start and has me second guessing my investment now. It just seems like making the coin holders aka investors happy is not of concern to you. Its been weeks peole are asking about coin marketing and you keep ignoring the message.
My 0.02$. Facebook ads suck and are just a great way of wasting money and you need to listen to parthack and start focusing your marketing for the bread and butter of your project which is the investors.
The coin needs to be marketed.