Kano has posted on both platforms about all important Pool related information. ( i.e. restarts/code updates/issues )
Alot of "other technical" stuff Kano has posted on discord, has been posted here in the past, or isn't necessarily pool
related, as far as the average user is concerned. ( i.e. info on server equipment/educational linux info )
Many things have only been posted on discord from pool members, that are very useful to miners. ( i.e. pro tips/articles/links )
Although I personally find those discord posts helpful, they may not be getting posted here, because of a members choice
not to post here, because of personal limitations, or the information may be deemed "off topic clutter" here at the forum, as
some of it doesn't necessarily relate to the pool itself.
In example to this: on discord someone was asking about the 110v/220v difference and the possibilities. Their questions were
answered, by many helpful members. Had that same question been asked here, as it has been, people would have tried to answer,
but ultimately they would have been told to go look in the mining support section, as it's been repeatedly answered in the
The discord channel is definitely more "laid back" than the forum, as people can "shoot the sh*t" about mining at Kano's Pool,
and quickly ask a specific member about anything "random", without being crucified for not meeting the criteria of the forum
rules. The other advantage is "tagging" @member to notify them, that their questions have been seen/answered.
And....if people have an issue with others who like humor, cartoon characters, or block dances/tributes, neither of the platform
options are going to make them happy. You can give them a bag of gold, and they'd complain that it's too heavy.