So now we will be making 1/2 of whatever we made at our 5ND?
Very astute. Yup...half. Keep in mind, though, that spot is now close to USD$650, whereas it was less than $300 a year ago. Pays to keep such things in perspective.
I think it will be a little more than half as, from what I understand, the transaction fees will increase. Thankfully, this pool pays out transaction fees where others like antpoo keep the fees for themselves.
We have to all do whatever we can to make sure, or I should say whatever we can do to help others in a position to make sure those transaction fees are
NOT taken from the true miners.
In my understanding of the roadmap we are going to see off-chain services offered by a huge group of core programmers which is where our transaction fees will go. Again, my understanding is they are taking the approach to less transactions on the bitcoin chain as the solution to the original block size debate. I am oversimplifying and I bet there are threads which will explain this in much more detail but the only way we can help fight this is by supporting people in positions to have an impact.
@kano and @-ck
I would appreciate if you could point me towards each of your personal opinions on where we are at with this. Am I way off in my basic translation?
Do you feel as though this is happening, and is inevitable?
Do you feel as this is a good thing? If not, what can we (as individual miners) do to have an impact?
I welcome input and corrections from everyone and anyone except lukejr. I do not see his opinions regarding bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general being based in helping bitcoin grow. I see his (and several others) actions based on moving bitcoin in a direction to serve a small group of people. I specifically name lukejr, but there are others who share his views and again several others who support the direction they want to take bitcoin.
IF the people who want to take transaction fees from the miners were somehow more subtle about their actions, the code, the inability to contemplate other solutions, etc which were not so blatantly lining their own pockets maybe I would not take it so personally.
I sincerely hope I am wrong.
I hope there is something I misunderstand.
Mainly, because I feel powerless to impact these choices made by many of the core programmers to take transactions off the main chain which will take transaction fees from the miners.
Why do Antpool, F2pool, etc not care? They have known and seen the direction core are taking and their SPV-Zero transaction fee system of mining has not been developed to give themselves, much less miners transaction fees anyway. For example, antpool say they give the transaction fees to their engineers as support for their work. I would expect their engineers to work on solutions to grab more transaction fees and do more to make sure they are going to keep getting those if that were the case. If Antpool were of the opinion transaction fees are a crucial component of their long term business model then why not make changes to grab as much as possible? Obviously they could. I do not believe they are interested in making sure transaction fees are a crucial component for their engineers, much less their miners. They are after the rewards and the obvious other areas where they invest their time and money. One last time on this point, if it was important, why haven't they done something about it? It isn't as though they do not have the resources.
I am not saying we should support some other branch, fork, etc. I am not an altcoin supporter in that sense as I do think core have the best organization at this point to keep the apple cart from being upset. Please do not bring up the debate of using something else in response to my post as that is not the direction I am trying to suggest unless a majority felt as though that was our only way to make sure miners are protected among other extremely important items.
Actually, I am not suggesting anything at this point other than I firmly believe we as a community need to make sure we are all educated regarding the specifics.
Hell, I hope I am completely wrong. I hope Kano or CK show up and reply telling me I am missing the points, the end results, the impact on fees, etc of the proposed changes.
If anyone has researched this recently I appreciate if you can point me towards cites explaining this scenario.
I am not a "sky is falling" type of person. I do have strong opinions regarding bitcoin. I started mining because this looked like something cool to learn and spend time with versus the tens of thousands I was blowing in various other ways. That alone has kept much more money either in my pocket or spent on other material items which I am enjoying.
I grew into bitcoin because of what I learned and my beliefs in what bitcoin can do for society. I grew my farm because I found bitcoin miners were incentivized to help bitcoin grow and be protected. I want to see more people involved in bitcoin across the world because I see many ways it can make dramatic changes in business and in the lives of individuals who know nothing about it. Simply evaluating the money transfer business of western union and the like can help people who
NEED the money to live and support their families keep more of that money. I am able to sell and purchase things for my business from other businesses both locally and across the world in such simpler, safer, and more cost effective ways with bitcoin.
I feel like a reduction in transaction fees is not what was originally intended, is not the way the system is supposed to work, removes a huge incentive for individuals to enter the mining scene, and is being done to make a small group of people wealthier than they already are from the money they have made riding the bitcoin wave. Most of those guys were involved very early anyway, and it is a matter of greed, control, and power over bitcoin at this point.
I do not want to be misunderstood. I am not saying any specific change is "bad" right now, except where it involves taking transaction fees from miners and giving those to someone else.
Again, I hope I am wrong and I have wasted my time typing this post, and your time for anyone reading it. If so, I apologize, and will edit it to reflect such.
I look forward to hearing from others and if you are not familiar with anything I mentioned please allow an opportunity for others who are more educated than either of us to respond so we can both be more informed.
I appreciate your time and would not intentionally waste it. I mention this because it is so important and I do not want people to assume transaction fees are something which doesn't require protection for miners, now more than ever before.