Okay I jumped in with 500 th.
my logic is we are at a cdf high winning number. I am a 20th guy so 500th will not bring my redline too high at all. If I win the block I will win a high cdf
and will be in the lead as high cdf.
So now is the time for all you 10-50th guys to drop a nice rental.
Best I can do is get the new B12 S7 online when Fedex drops it off in a couple of hours. The second (and last) one for me will be here Monday. I should get around 16Th total.
I can understand how folks may need to stop. I don't have to pay for power, and it's not really a hobby for me, and so I'll be staying no matter what.
Wish all folks moving on the best.
yeah the game has changed so much. basically I can't rent 500th for more then a few hours and the reason I can do so is I made the two power deals
an s-7 in an office free power and split the coins.
the solar array with 5 avalon 6's soon to grow to 8 avalon 6's
those two deals are why I can spot play 500th. here on kano pool I will spend .1 btc shooting for the high cdf number.
but this is open to every one under 250th. and now is the time to do it. since we are on the high cdf block right now.
even .02btc at 50th is not bad move.
paying .0032 is overpaying if there was not a prize involved.
but I know this is the current high cdf block if I hit it.
I know .1 btc vs .092 btc is the juice I am paying
so .008 btc is about 3.20 usd extra .
and I am running 500th on the current high cdf block.
So a) I could win one of two prizes
b) I could earn the coin back win no prize
c) worst case I fully lose 42 bucks or .1 btc