Wow I've been away for a little while, and come back and check the forum....Damn all this Drama. Seems Kano needs to go all out CSI on these rogue miners. Although statistically he could ban me because my lone s7 has never found a block LOL
Fortunately it's not block finding to find this particular problem.
The generalised block finding issue does indeed start around 250 BTC per miner, so it is rather expensive to detect.
I'd guess at that other pool the number was way in excess of that.
In this case it's a LOT lower.
However, after the last lot of payouts and adding more accounts to the list (total 29 now), the total BTC the accounts have been rewarded since they were created is a lot more.
73.88963719 BTC
Since I started putting holds on accounts, I have however held 4.14403224 BTC to subtract from that total
(there is probably also some dust in there, but of course that would be relatively insignificant)