Kano - Is the database stuck and need a restart? I move my hashing as well as DROID off for testing purposes over 45 mins ago which is shown correctly in the Workers Tab area but in the Stats which is supposed to be a 5min poll, it's still showing our hashing power now.
Stats takes a while to drop.
However, unrelated to that, and unrelated to your hopping
I'll do a CKDB restart in about 45-50 minutes.
No miners will be affected at all.
It will be when the shift summarisation is done after the upcoming hour.
One is due about now (or in the next 5-10 minutes) then the next one will be about 45mins after that - which is when I'll do the CKDB restart.
... and in case anyone was wondering about it, no I can't predict exactly when a summarisation will occur, it's based on 100 work changes, which is dependent also on network block times. Also on top of that, the shift summarisation occurs at least 13 minutes after the shift completes - which is also dependent upon network block times
Edit: and the current shift just summarised now 01:45 UTC - so the next should be close to 45min from, now, ~2:30 UTC