I need to do a couple of restarts to deal with a ram issue with bitcoin.
It will be both a ckpool and a ckdb restart.
The ckpool restart will be the usual takes only a few seconds and will only have a small % of failovers.
That will happen immediately after this post.
Sorry for the lack of warning, but had a severe issue arise and want to avoid letting it affect any mining.
No mining has been affected yet and this restart will ensure that.
There will be a ckdb restart shortly after also.
I'll post back details once it's all done.
Total users that didn't reconnect was 5 out of about 580.
The pool hash rate was pretty consistent before and after - showing 11.6PH just before and soon after the restart.
ckdb restart went smoothly also but took 16 minutes total.
All good, and problems averted before they could happen.