Another noob question, if you have the patience.
My worker shows .269% invalid. What does this mean? (worker = mirahan)
Anticipated thanks. Just trying to learn. It seems I am very slow to catch on to all this. Trying to read as much as I can, but ugh.
Just to clarify on the absolute values
On the workers page the "Shares" "Diff" and "Block %" numbers are the total valid numbers (they don't include invalids)
The Invalid% is the % of all shares submitted including the invalid ones (of course)
i.e. Invalid/(Invalid+Shares) * 100%
Same is true of the Shares/Invalids at the top left of the web page.
Shares is the total diff of only the valid shares submitted to the pool
Total ShareDiff submitted to the pool = Shares + Invalids
The % next to Shares is the SharesDiff % of the block difficulty
The % next to Invalids is the InvalidsDiff % of Shares+Invalids