What is the shortest diff block this pool has ever had?
Also, what do the green dots at the left of the header mean? Every once in a while the middle one is yellow or a red Vader.
They are 3 VERY raw statistics about data from ckpool to ckdb.
The top one is the 'last heartbeat', the middle one is the 'last share' and the bottom one is the 'last workinfo'
Firstly, if they are orange or red, they will usually switch back to green pretty quickly.
Look at the sync value at the bottom of the page and that will usually be high and the reason for any going orange or red.
The heartbeat will rarely change colour. Heartbeats are sent ~once every second from ckpool to ckdb.
It goes orange after 5 seconds and red after 10 seconds.
We get (current value right now) ~700 shares per second, so last share should only ever get above 1 second if there's a queue (sync) building up due to DB I/O delays.
If it gets above 8 seconds it goes orange, and above 10 seconds it goes red.
Workinfo is the new work built every ~30 seconds.
So it goes orange after 36 seconds and red after 46 seconds.
If they are orange/red and the sync at the bottom is 0/green then you know my phone and ipad are beeping and my screen is showing popups.
The alert times on that are a little higher - since as you have seen orange/red happens every so often on the middle one (last share) - usually when DB I/O is delaying ckdb a bit.
But that's OK since it always catches back up - and of course has no effect on ckpool at all.
If ckpool locks up or dies and restarts then they will go orange then red and the sync at the bottom will be 0/green until ckpool has restarted.