What is the best way to check my latency, or should I be more concerned with shares and forget anything else?
I will admit, I am a sucker for giveaways. Especially if they are a big deal, but they can be an OK deal and I am still Yeah! lets go!
and I have considerable respect for the time you guys put in this software, the help for the community, etc etc, I'm not gonna be no kiss-ass yeah harumph, anyway
I pointed a couple of S3s here, freshly rebooted.
I made some adjustments to a few things.
I updated / downgraded 1 Standard S3, unknown batch to 10-24 firmware and set freq-volt to 225/720
I follow Pekatete, and I do not know if the volt regs are working in these units off the top of my head at the moment, but I know how to tell. I only know they hash right now.
The other S3 I pointed to your fine pool is on 12-19 firmware and set freq-volt to 225/0000 <- My understanding is this runs a 'default' voltage for the frequency.
I tried to make sure the 4 units I ended up involved in this little mess were of equal pairing to the best of my ability. Having said that I rub on the cases daily and know each rise and fall of the fans.
So, at the pool which I like to use quite a bit, ok ALL the time because I would never fall victim to Gambler's Fallacy (stole that from another poster here today and proud of it), could not happen.
So at this pool I took the two other S3s that somehow I decided to start screwing with. I did the firmware thing.
By the way if you are screwin with S3 firmware, deselect the box which states keep settings. Do it before you select the file you are using to update. I had it screw up if I select the file then the tick mark. Sure it is probably in my mind but it works so bite me.
2 more S3's, setup with the same firmware, power supplys cooling, possibly slightly different connection to the cable modem though. I will go into that another time, but they are all in my pocket.
I will report some simple stuff, but I know everything is luck anyway.
In one way Bitcoin is like getting in an airplane, or strapping in the largest roller-coaster in the world (which I would do in a heartbeat)
Once you are strapped in, most things are beyond your control for the duration of the trip. You may as well relax and enjoy the ride going up or down. Man what a rush ... but hang on
as its slowing down you feel the gears kick in and it starts backing up.. clicnk clicnk click click
thats the blockchain with Decent Mining and people feeding the blockchain on computers everywhere. Installing bitcoind. spreading it out. You don't have to force anything on people. If you are doing something you enjoy they will seek you out.
You MUST step to people you know and tell them whatsup from time to time, but your work speaks for you, or well your attitude.
I want to take one line to thank anyone who wrote a guide, especially Pekatete and all of the work people put in words to help with tweaking the S3s, which firmware versions do what, which version is best to run to modify the vcore, etc. Thanks.
Thank You very much for CGminer, the pool, and all things given to the community. I hope you are well taken care of so you may spend your time coding without interruptions from strange people on the internet - unless they involve coin. I need to do some coinus interuption myself