Hard times, without finding a block it's even harder to stay at Kano for me - even when you get much more % share of a block compared to slush for example, if there's no block withing 80 hrs now it might be better to switch back to another pool?
I did the math myself recently, (much as I love Kano, I can't pay my bills with said love, and although it's been a fantastic streak, I was looking at the numbers from before to forecast what may be on the horizon...shame I didn't start 6 months ago though, the luckiest day ever in history of the pool was my birthday
) and came to the following numbers.
I use BTC.com pool as a benchmark because they simply buy your hashrate without any concern for blocks as a PPS pool. Mind you at the time I did the numbers there were paying .00007btc per 1TH/24hrs and they were very competitive but presently it is 0.00006369.
0.00006369 * 13.5 = 0.000859815, this would be your daily payout from that pool, per one 13.5 S9.
I will use my personal example from last week since I have the exact numbers.
I left one 13/TH Antminer on Kano as I experimented with Slush, I used five 13.5/TH to experiment.
For 5 13.5, 67.5TH/s, I had following results:
33916 2018-04-10 23:34 05:46:19 3.351 Eh/s 67.81 Th/s 0.00024888 BTC 12.54996593 BTC Confirmed
33915 2018-04-10 17:48 00:33:41 3.013 Eh/s 67.54 Th/s 0.00027510 BTC 12.52368187 BTC Confirmed
33914 2018-04-10 17:14 02:47:57 3.039 Eh/s 68.62 Th/s 0.00027981 BTC 12.64686116 BTC Confirmed
33913 2018-04-10 14:27 00:43:35 3.016 Eh/s 68.83 Th/s 0.00027956 BTC 12.50000000 BTC Confirmed
33912 2018-04-10 13:43 01:21:40 3.190 Eh/s 66.89 Th/s 0.00026867 BTC 13.07266917 BTC Confirmed
33905 2018-04-10 03:37 00:31:59 3.113 Eh/s 67.34 Th/s 0.00027040 BTC 12.75687432 BTC Confirmed
33904 2018-04-10 03:05 00:41:13 3.127 Eh/s 66.69 Th/s 0.00026619 BTC 12.73560489 BTC Confirmed
33903 2018-04-10 02:24 00:21:42 3.103 Eh/s 67.55 Th/s 0.00026775 BTC 12.55257875 BTC Confirmed
33902 2018-04-10 02:02 00:59:23 3.125 Eh/s 68.05 Th/s 0.00027095 BTC 12.69525009 BTC Confirmed
33901 2018-04-10 01:02 00:23:59 3.145 Eh/s 69.44 Th/s 0.00027396 BTC 12.66235828 BTC Confirmed
33900 2018-04-10 00:38 01:31:59 3.156 Eh/s 68.81 Th/s 0.00026848 BTC 12.56620147 BTC Confirmed
33899 2018-04-09 23:06 01:22:16 3.081 Eh/s 69.54 Th/s 0.00028001 BTC 12.66047494 BTC Confirmed
Obviously the reward changes a bit as the total hashrate of the pool is different every time but as you can see, if we use .000265 as the average reward, divide by 5 and 0.000053 per block, per 13.5TH S9.
Now between BTC.com's 0.000859815 and Slushpool's 0.000053 per block, Slushpool would have to hit 16.22292452830189 blocks in order to equal BTC.com in pay.
https://blockchain.info/pools?timespan=24hours As you can see Slush is not so hot these days, they barely find 16 blocks a day. Between Slush and BTC.com pool; it's a gamble with Slush, if they hit above that mark, you're up for the day. This sounds better for Slush now, when BTC.com was paying .00007, it was really tough to justify Slush.
Here is where it gets complicated in comparison to Kano, due to the extremely long ramp-up 'N' time as well as the fact that this pool has grown exponentially in the past 2 months.
Look at these rewards from the crazy lucky streak, back when I had only three 13.5 plugged in, and fully ramped up.
516020 2018-Mar-31 20:47 12.66858129 17.337T 213hr 20m 55s 96.95PHs 0.04% 7.338G 41.03THs 0.00536169
515930 2018-Mar-31 02:59 12.52731734 17.373T 219hr 21m 31s 94.49PHs 0.04% 7.542G 41.02THs 0.00543824
515768 2018-Mar-30 02:09 12.42904762 17.329T 226hr 56m 50s 91.10PHs 0.05% 7.806G 41.03THs 0.00559841
515733 2018-Mar-29 21:11 12.55251359 17.335T 228hr 51m 5s 90.37PHs 0.05% 7.872G 41.04THs 0.00570009
515627 2018-Mar-29 05:24 12.80891903 17.326T 235hr 5m 21s 87.93PHs 0.05% 8.088G 41.04THs 0.00597906
Here we see that my hashrate did not change but the pool grew from 87.93 to 96.95, just over 10% growth. In order to try and make it a relevant comparison, let's compare blocks 515733 and 515930 as they have the closest reward value. (albeit off by .025 btc)
My value: .00544(round up 0.0001 value due to 12.527 vs 12.552) / 0.00570= .95263158
Pool Hash: 94.49 / 90.37 = .9563975
Therefore we see that the change in pool hashrate reflects on my reward in almost 1:1 proportionate impact, likely even closer in value than we see here due to decimal place roundoffs.
For my own intents and purposes, it comes down to the math between BTC.com's 80.5 (my hashrate) * 0.00006369 = 0.005127045 daily payouts, or taking a chance on Kano.
I never actually got all 80.5 ramped up yet on Kano but my closest were the following:
517766 2018-Apr-11 22:53 12.46209736 17.597T 147hr 38m 28s 142.20PHs 0.04% 7.486G 60.49THs 0.00530171
517439 2018-Apr-09 22:14 12.42955536 17.635T 157hr 58m 38s 133.18PHs 0.06% 10.442G 78.86THs 0.00735984
517236 2018-Apr-08 14:46 12.51144999 17.607T 168hr 7m 29s 124.95PHs 0.06% 10.096G 71.65THs 0.00717432
516833 2018-Apr-06 02:10 12.41349521 17.627T 184hr 34m 31s 113.94PHs 0.05% 8.679G 56.10THs 0.00611235
This was during the time I experimented elsewhere while leaving one 13.0 on Kano, and then coming back.
Unfortunately I need a better understanding of or a better written explanation of the ramp process with regards to changes in personal hashrate and its effects on ramp calculation in order to ascertain whether there is some kind of sweet spot.. for example whether going to Slush or Btc.com until Kano hits x% shares, and then coming back would be beneficial or not in comparison to just sitting on here the whole time, etc. (I see the
Would love to know more details on how exactly that long ramp up impacts rewards (I am not a math wizard by any means but I am genuinely curious) and how the calculations fluctuate when you're not just plugged in 24/7, because even after having experimented around, I'm not sure if I'm calculating the differences correctly or able to calculate hypothetically since I'm trying to make sense of the results to figure out the formula (ramp up vs ramp loss), nor am I sure whether I lost money by jumping to the hot pool then coming back or not. (I understand the fundamental difference between PPS and PPLNS, but the long ramp up period throws me off on calculating possibilities.. sometimes shifts get paid 6+ times, sometimes only 3-4 times.. etc)
As you can see though if you do stay fully ramped up, if and when this pool hits a lucky stride, it blows any other pool out of the water. Look at the last four blocks of March, 0.02208 BTC with 41.04 TH's in 3 days. I don't know what BTC.com was paying at that time but even with a .00007 assumption, 3 days would've only paid 0.008505 on three 13.5's. 0.02208 - 0.008505 = 0.013575 BTC. Huge difference for 3 Antminers. Of course one has to consider the ramp up time leading upto this streak, and the cost of that along the way.