Block by cryptostarusa! This is our 1st of
It was less than 200% as well
The reward for this block wont appear until I've finished fixing the missing shift, just before the payout - I still need to fix the missing shift and I'm setting that up now on another server to generate the missing shift data (charlotte) and correct the belldandy shift.
Anyone who looked closely enough would have noticed that the beldandy shift says it's twice as long but not twice as many shares
(and charlotte is missing)
The reward of course depends on the shift data, so I have to get the shifts correct before generating the rewards, for doing the payout.
It should be done in time for the payout
I've uploaded the missing charlotte shift to the live database.
I'll need to restart KDB (again) to bring that shift data into the system.
Sorry for the short notice, but that will be when the current shift completes and updates which will be in the next 5-10 minutes.
This also will fix the block Diff% since it was missing a shift in the calculation - it's a few % higher - but still just under 200%
KDB restart as soon as the current shift updates, in the next 5-10 minutes.No mining will be affected, only you'll see lotsa zeros and ?s on the web site during the KDB restart.
Well all's OK finally now.
Due to a mistake I made getting the block to recalc it's %, I had to restart twice.
But all OK now, block % recalculated and Reward processing done.
Payout will be ready before it's due
Then I'll look into how the shift got closed with no shares in it.
Must be a bug in the processing logic somewhere that can sneak in during a double restart.
Mine on!