I've read through this thread several times now...and I really want to join Kano. Unfortunately, I need to pay bills regularly
I do have some ideas for the pool's growth though:
1. Focus on the smaller guys! (specifically S9 owners)
Not sure what you mean by 'focus'?
2. Explain PPLNS payout & Ramps using 1x S9's hashrate as an example - show graphs/time needed etc.
Well there are quite a few explanations, including on the web site.
But the 5Nd is also shown on the graph and the time needed depends on the pool hash rate, which is also stated on the web site, but changes regularly since it depends on the pool hash rate
3. Maybe half the ramp to 2.5Nd? Waiting +-3months for full payout is brutal)
Changing the 5Nd will affect the long term miners and allow people to take advantage of that change ...
4. Cancel the large miner's BTC reward (not really working + the big fish seem to leave after getting the reward anyway)
Well, no they don't leave 'after getting the reward'
The majority has gone to large miners who 'did' spend a lot of time on the pool.
5. Use the saved coins to payout all dust bunnies asap & in future (see point 1)
Still working on it ...
6. Use the saved coins to also hire a website designer (Kano.is seriously needs some love)
This wont happen, since it involves doing useless things to the web site and, basically, is a security risk.
I guess you just need to actually mine on the pool, look at the pages available and ask questions about them.
The data available here is actually more detailed and more accurate than I think any other pool.
7. Lower fees to 0.5% (can be raised again when the pool is larger & regularly finding blocks)...people obviously aren't willing to jump ship for 1.1% saving vs Slush
Kind regards,
Well I don't really want to run the pool at a loss ...
You see, one thing you probably don't realise, is that we are the best connected pool of ALL pools.
I've got nodes all over the planet, connected to every Fibre relay and even in China to ensure our blocks get out to the other pools, and to also ensure that when the Fibre relay isn't working (which happens on occasion) we still get our blocks out as fast as possible.
But I have already stated clearly to many that if we do get over 400PH for 5Nd (i.e. for the reward) then I'll drop it to 0.6%