514786 2018-Mar-23 11:40 12.49660372 17.346T 298hr 58m 52s 69.22PHs 0.31% 54.151G 216.08THs 0.03901173
514487 2018-Mar-21 05:50 12.54574969 17.335T 331hr 24m 13s 62.41PHs 0.08% 13.950G 50.22THs 0.01009607
514430 2018-Mar-20 21:47 12.91714506 17.316T 335hr 1m 12s 61.66PHs 0.05% 7.855G 27.97THs 0.00585954
Here's my rewards for the past 3 days since I started mining.
My understanding is, it takes x amount of time to fully ramp up.
Also, for any block thats found while I've been mining, I don't receive the full amount owed to me straight away.
So, first block, I received .005 BTC
Second block, I received BTC for block 2, but also for block 1?
Third block, I receive BTC for block 3, 2 and 1?
Fourth (future block) I will receive BTC for all 4 blocks?
Fifth (future block) I will receive BTC for all 5 blocks?
Sixth (future block) I will receive BTC for this block, plus the previous 4?
And this will continue until I'm fully ramped up?
When ramped up, in x amount of time, do I then still have my payments split out amoung blocks, or receive it all at once when we get a block?
Sorry.,.. still trying to get my head around this. I may have totally misread info and be completely wrong :p
I still have not had this confirmed, but I believe you get paid based on the shares you submitted compared to what everyone else submitted for 5 times the difficulty total shares.
So the first block had 61.66Ph total shares (61,660 Th) and you provided 27.97 Th which is .0454% of the 12.91715 reward.
The second block had 62.41Ph total shares with your 50.22 Th shares giving you .0805% of the reward.
The third block had 69.22 Ph total shares with your 216.08 Th giving you .3122% of the reward.
If you stop mining, the shares will gradually decrease over 11 days or so. You get rewarded for any blocks that we find during those days.
So the ramp is based on the shares your miner submits and has nothing to do with paying for previous blocks at a later time. It is quite confusing but important because if you stop mining and we have no blocks for 11 days, you will not receive more. But if we find 30 blocks in those 11 days, you get partial rewards for all of them.