Hi there,
sorry to bother you with a question like that but, can you tell us where to find some "Newbie User Guide"? I heard about your pool and I'm hashing with it from yesterday but I can't understand how it's working, and how we can see if we are mining the right way or not. Maybe your pool is only for experienced users?
If your worker page shows anything other than 0, you're doing it correctly provided you've set your payout address.
Here's where patience is a virtue.
What most new miners misunderstand is that you will not see any reward activity until we find a block. So it is normal to have no rewards accruing.
When a block is found, your reward will be calculated based on your 5Nd hash contribution, which is what everyone is referring to when they cite your 'ramp up' and your 'ramp down.'
When rewards are distributed, your payment is sent out with a zero-fee or low-fee transaction, saving you fees but incurring an expected lag in making it into your wallet because it's a low-priority transaction. If it hasn't been confirmed by the time we find another block, we'll confirm the transaction and send it on its way. No other pool that I am aware of does this, which is a sole benefit to the miner.
Again, patience is a virtue.
There is no newbie guide.