As I've been ramped up now for the last three blocks (I think) my N Avg on Kano shows 13.30, 13.30 and 13.29 THs. On And since pointing my miner to Kano I've been online without interruptions (except for e few minutes when nl-pool was down) so that shouldn't be the problem.
Obviously it's something I don't understand or Kano and CKPool Monitor measures the hashrate slightly different.
Remember that the average presented on the reward page is your shares for the last 13 to 14 days, so a lot different than the 1 day max that the api shares. Any number of things can slow down a few packets including internet outages or slowdowns, etc. Residential internet has times where the packets take a little longer to get around which can make a difference. Even when the Kano site has problems, that can drop your miner off for 5 minutes while it reconnects to the backup (I think it takes that long but not sure). I know that if you change the config it takes 5 minutes to get going again. All of these things continue to accumulate over a couple weeks...
I have a dedicated fiber business internet to Chicago, and I get a consistent reward of 13.58 to 13.60 every time so I am confident the math is right (especially with "the man" doing it)
Thank you for your input minergain.
I'm sure your right.
I actually have my S9 over at my friends garage as I'm building a house at the moment and still don't have a garage myself. As he has a few miners from before and plenty of room it was ok to keep it there (and obviously pay him for electricity) until I get my garage built or some kind of silencer for the S9. I'm by the way trying to convince him to bring over his hashrate to Kano's as he's mining elsewhere and never tried out Kano's.
This went a little off topic. What I'm trying to say is that I can't log into my miner from home (to see the stastistics) and I'm also not sure about what my friend's internet connection type is. I have a fiber connection myself, that has been in use for five years now without a hickup, so the situation might be different when I get my S9 (and hopefully a few more) home.
As mentioned before CKPool Monitor Dashboard also have the "Avg5Nd (TH/s)" meter. I assumed this was also measuring from the past two weeks as it built up pretty much at the same rate as Kano's during ramp up. However when Kano's averaged out at around 13.3 THs (so far) CKPool Monitor continued and averaged out at 13.6 THs.
However I have no doubt in my mind that Kano is showing the correct numbers, so best would probable be to completely forget about the CKPool Monitor as it seems to show a little too optimistic numbers.