Here goes my first pool post ever
I`m Zet,from Europe,young,broke and shooting for the moon,guys:D
I`m new to this BTC business,started mining about a month and a bit ago,with some old racoons from Bitmain,making it up to a whopping FIVE TH`s
From what i can piece together for myself, we`re all walking silently in the footsteps of our leader,Kano-san!
Love the pool,love the work,love the miners and the discussions,the giveaways (bow down to that),great place to be and i`m very grateful,proabily would never have read so many interesting things anywhere else,where everybody`s tryin to scam us and our rewards,
Now for the really dumb part and a little bit of whining,hopefully the Sensei won`t treat my 5 THs as rentals or anything,they`re mine but lately (a few days),on and off and on and off,stupid construction work at my block (home mining) and its BAD,electricity keeps crashing
*Amazing hashrate in the last week or so,blocks piling up,COME ON WITH THAT BLOCKPARTY!*