You guys are acting like I am trying to steer people away from this pool when I am doing the opposite. I am merely making suggestions. The same people that complain that this pool may become too small to maintain relevance don’t want to hear varying opinions from their own. I don’t fail to see anything, long term miners, that don’t intend to ramp down ever, don’t have any benefit to this long ramp up time as it is 25% of your btc earned in the first month lost. If you want to gain new miners you have to try new things to maintain relevance. Speaking from experience.
But it's not lost btc (unless we have more 500+% difficulty blocks anyway), that long ramp up, pays as a long ramp down when/if you leave. Exactly the same way.
so again all the ramp does is reduce the variance, it has little *overall* effect from start to end (with the one exception that because it's a 5Nd PPLNS, when shares exceed 500% for a given block, you won't be paid for shares at the beginning (5Nd is a sliding window from the block find back in history))
Its mostly just an emotional/mental block because while you are *ramping*, you see smaller payouts, and depending on when you get in, it may be a little more painful, because enduring a 600% block like we just did can cause you to wonder... but I suspect over a *duration* of time even that *variance* will smooth