They are in denial.. they still think it is just a difference of smaller quicker payouts vs bigger slower payouts and have no clue that they are bottoming out on small datasets
So in your signature, you say to support the small mining pools (specifically this pool) but we are all idiots that are in denial? May want to update your sig.
If you go back to my earlier posts I was trying to sound the alarm that this pool is going to be extinct if it gets too small and that if this pool really is the best paying pool and the big ones are robbing people then why not do a marketing push, lower the ramp up for a short temporary time to get people to switch, then once a crowd forms it attracts bigger crowds... etc..
but nah.. bitching and moaning and stubborn folks rule the day over here.
I'll leave my sig alone for now until I'm motivated by something else eventually
Although I'm grateful that you decided to use My signature (which has been updated), I think you have missed the point. The
general idea is to get
people more involved in smaller pools to help the pool grow, not the pools getting more people
involved by using promotional gimmicks. That's something the corporate pools would do, and part of the overall problem
with corporate pools. If, Kano were to shorten the "ramp" time it would be easier for "hoppers" to come in easier, and leave
just as quickly, with a payout. Some of the things new miners dislike about this pool, and other smaller non-corporate pools,
are actually helpful in the long run, and that's where it counts--years, not days.
The promoting of this pool, and other smaller non-corporate pools needs to be done by us, the members of the pools. The
guy's who are running the pools, like Kano, have their schedules very full keeping the pool running, and making sure things
are up to date-- by the minute. I'm sure that's not very stressful for a corporate pool with a "team" who get a salary from
the skimming they take. The little bit of fee's that we pay on a small pool, are hardly a huge salary to a guy who is neck
deep in work 24/7, and covering costs to run their services. So, the least WE could do is
help promote for them, and get
more people to come join, and share their experience and hashing power.
The last block here was a major SOB for everyone, and had to happen during the recent price drop, of course. It has been
very discouraging, probably even for the most veteran members. But, if you look, you'll see that under these circumstances,
people here were still being helpful with each other, albeit the complaints about not finding a block sooner. These things
will happen while mining, and is the nature of the beast, BUT, having to do it alone or without support is by far worse.
It is here, in a non-corporate pool you will find answers to ease some grief, and share the burden with others in your shoes.
So, if WE want to make this next block easier, and get more hashing power from New members, WE need to stick together,
and keep the community growing. WE can do this by promoting, and educating new miners. If you build it, they will come.......