I just made a general statement, not directed at any single individual. Bottom line is, if you want to grow, if this pool wants to stay viable, as ANTPOO floods the market with miners, a welcoming approach and a lot of patience is required with Newbs. The people like me, who was new to mining and had only been in Bitcoin since last June. I understand it is frustrating but from what I have gathered we are dealing with people from all over the world who have extremely varied life experiences and which may not think the same way as you or I and vice versa. Patience is in order. Tone is important. Turning people off towards the board or the pool only hurts everyone else who wants to see KANO Pool grow, me included. Have a good day and MINE ON WITH KANO-SAN. Come On Block.
I think if you are going to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars and get involved in mining in this pool people at least should read the thread and the info provided in kano.is
I'm sorry, but there are questions that has been asked and answered too many times in this thread, I even saw cases where people admit they prefer to just ask the question here in the forum before even trying to find the answer by themselves reading the thread or googling for it.
Just an example: People asking about the reward of a recently found block not appearing in their wallets. Come on, every time a block is found the question keep appearing time after time, it gets clarify and the next found block people asking the same again and again and again.
I'm a newb myself and this is the way I think. Again sorry if you don't like my answer, but it's just laziness.
Edit: Or maybe I'm just a grumpy person heheheh. Mine on!