I think I understand your workaround, although I would not know how to achieve this.
Can you please elaborate on this?
Let me try, using my approach as an example.
I have my wallet at gemini.com as my payout wallet here at Kano.is. All the payments go there and collect.
Once a month, when I get my hosting bill, I pay that bill (in bitcoin), transfer some to my bank account (to pay other cryto related bills) and transfer the remainder to my keepkey (hardware wallet) account.
When I need to spend bitcoin, I use the hardware wallet, and because all the incoming transactions are fairly large (in a relative sense, compared to my normal spend), I pay minimal fees to spend the coin.
I have tried different approaches and this one is currently working the best for me.
So, if I understand this correctly: if I transfer my BTC's from my Kano destination wallet X to another wallet Y, and I use wallet Y to spend to BTC, I no longer have the "large amount of small transaction Satoshi's generating huge fees" issue?