I have no idea whos wallet that is.
My wallet is
http://www.zpool.ca/?address=CVoMLqgUR54rMoXib9xz3VAaghYwffp5Bwit says centurion and paying out. but its a compound wallet so nothing is paying out.
cgminer/4.9.0 c=COMP x11 84 22.2 GH/s
that is my miner that shows up
password is c=comp
but its still on CNT
please change my wallet type to COMP
same as if you changed a BCC to a BTC for other people. including myself
ok strange.... IDK why it was posted; that is past the point anyways.
So; Your address is CVoMLqgUR54rMoXib9xz3VAaghYwffp5Bw but it is still showing up CNT?
You should wait for a response from crackfoo. Sadly; all payouts under "TX" are irreversable because they were already sent to a wallet. I suggest trying a second COMP payout address; this time with the proper password tag first "c=comp,x11" and see if it registers right. IF it works correctly; just chalk the other address up to a learning mistake on initial config. If it doesn't work, switching to a different coin like BTC for the short term until it is figured out is a smart idea.
If your first initial connection was using the wrong password string, it's not the fault of the pool, and is a strange thing because the pool has its DB records for CNT, and can't just swap over to another coin AFAIK; especially with the same address. Maybe crackfoo can transpose, but its complicated for even myself to wrap my head around how it could be done for things like earnings that are already on the exchange to be sold...