EDIT - or Zcl and Hush as of now. Zen is at 0 h/s.
I noticed this with some algos. Blake2s for example hasn't mined Verge in over an hour now.
But Zen doesn't get much hashrate and we can't mine it (and we are obviously unlucky I guess). The whole equihash behaves weirdly or the website shows random stuff. Zcl now on top and not mined, Komodo being mined even when on the bottom (same with Hush). Zen at the bottom now and got some love...
Seriously there is something wrong:
1. My hashrate graph shows this for equihash:
2. Then I noticed the rejects, can't be true!?
3. But looking at the earnings, there is some Komodo (the rest was from another miner on skein), and the percentage is also weird, considering the last hours we were way inder 100 Ks and I have 7+ Ks/s (second image)
Now if I move I lose my shares over time and that's a big chunk of the day of mining equihash, and if I don't, I seem to get almost nothing.