Since you asked it doesn't take a partisan ad to get a message sent.
The same message can be done in a less offensive way, perhaps remove the Jihadist picture, remove the reference to Jihad and reframe it as an informational advertisment.
The reason this is controversial in my opinion is because they quoted a radical message to get their own point across, a neutral approach could be just as effective.
Perhaps something along the lines of
"Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah" Hamas MTV
War is never the answer, fight for a world where we can all worship together in peace.
With a picture of two peoples hands holding an Israeli and Muslim flag holding a globe together
Get a message with a clear point across that doesn't ask for more blood on everyones hands, as the current one implies or leave a bad taste in some peoples mouths, while implying the need for stability and support towards the end goal that is peace.
(The What's yours reference in the ad means sending Israel more weapons and military aid to address the issue instead of trying to find another path towards peace and stability in my opinion)
Thanks for the reply. The basic layout of the ad is the same as the ones placed by CAIR as part of their "my jihad" (or, in German, "mein Kampf") campaign. Some of us found those ads offensive. The CAIR ads certainly weren't neutral. The problem with sending a "peace is the answer" message is that it ignores the fact that jihadis openly do not want peace, except the peace that comes with the extermination of the Jews. Oh well. CAIR won this round. Fuck it.
No problem, I noticed a connection to the Dallas Texas shooting and thought it would be interesting to make a note that no one won that round on advertising since both sides have all partisan ads banned but sometimes these debates do come back full circle.
For those unfamiliar with Pamela Geller, she was in the news a few weeks ago for sponsoring an ad campaign across major U.S. cities with anti-Muslim posters saying, among other things, “Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah.”
On Sunday, she was in the news again for sponsoring a “Jihad Watch Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest” in Garland, Tex., some 20 miles from Dallas, after which two suspects opened fire on a security guard before being shot and killed by police. Authorities did not immediately link the exhibit and the shootings, but Geller did, with vehemence.
Many in Garland objected to the event. Some, including Muslims, said it was blasphemous. Others cited “public safety” concerns. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, however, decided to play it down. “We are not paying any attention to this at all,” Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR spokesman, told the Dallas Morning News. “The thing [Geller] hates most is being ignored.”
But Geller knew what she was getting into and would not be ignored.
“I expected that people would come to realize how severely the freedom of speech is threatened today, and how much it needs to be defended,” she told The Post. “We were prepared for violence.” Indeed, her group’s Web site said “we know the risks” and that the “exhibit has to be staged.”
“If we don’t show the jihadists that they will not frighten us into silence,” the site said, “the jihad against freedom will only grow more virulent.”
“They struck in Paris and Copenhagen recently, and now in Texas. This incident shows how much needed our event really was. The freedom of speech is under violent assault here in our nation. The question now before is — will we stand and defend it, or bow to violence, thuggery and savagery?”
For Geller, it was her own Charlie Hebdo moment.
Full article has links to videos, sources for the quotes etc, the Swimsuit video was interesting as she blogged on a beach in that sense she definitely is passionate.