2. Heat gun or professional grade soldering iron with a fine tip
Good luck with a heat gun. How are you going to get correct reflow profile with a heatgun? Even if its temp controlled, you need a bottom heater. Also airflow is to high and you will blow your tiny components off the pcb. I have repaired many consoles where people thought that heatgun is great and fried their gpu chip during reflow.
What you need is either oven or rework station. With oven method, you use stencil to apply leaded solder paste, place components on the pcb, program reflow profile, and heat the board and components only once and job done. With rework station you would do as above but welding process is done in sections rather whole board at one go. In both methods crucial part is temp profile ( how quickly temp will be rising, how many segments are needed, what is target temp at each stage, etc.). Unfortunately with a heatgun there is no way to control temp profile accurately so wouldn't recommend at all. You will be better off going soldering iron and fine tip way.
Once I get first test board, I will put it through my rig and create reference reflow profiles if anyone is interested. It will still need a bit of tweaking as reflow conditions will be different for everyone of us but its easy done.
Get PROFESSIONAL grade version... check the link can dial in the temp.
Also posted some nice hacks for ovens that you can turn into reflow ovens. Also used reflow ovens available.
Again this was meant for people to READ the links and get an idea. From what I have read in detail it is possible with practice to do this at home with a heat gun or fine tipped solder iron given you can order professional grade units for reasonable prices. Rather than waiting for someone else or taking it a PC repair shop or sending to so one you on the forum you don't know. Again it is a risk and you have to know your skill level. This whole project started with the intention of being DIY.
It is quite doable given the right equipment and if you start practicing now you are bound to be proficient enough in 2 months.
I will be posting here in a few months time I hope in the fall with my students actually stenciling, bumping and then using a heat gun to reflow the ASICs to K16 boards. Of course I will be practicing my techniques with some used pcbs etc over the coming weeks with my own kit I am going to order online.