If I could source all the parts I would offer that. Same for assembled K1s. But as long as I can't get some items at all, I won't take orders. At this time the inductors are probably doable, but the IR3895 is still impossible and more PICs are at least a few weeks away, if you believe Microchip.
Maybe board change to with new reg?
Maybe pic change to 32bit series? 32MX795F512L is less than 9$. 80Mhz, Ethernet, 512K ram, 85 IO-lines (over 300 avalons per one motherboard if use per 8 lines one clock line and 7 datas to drive one 70 pcs avalon bank in seven chains.) Six uarts.
Separate avalons and pic. As bitsyncom done. Simple reg + 10pcs avalons + buffers in one board. Motherboard with simple pinheads to plug/cable avalon stics.
And if something fails you only need replace one 10pcs avalon card or build new motherboard.
And motherboard with populated ethernet parts it can done later standalone firmware. First versions can do fine with ~current fimwares and usb + cgminer.
Now K16 cost: 2xIR3895 ~5$, pic ~2$ per 14 avalons (if OC'd regs can't drive 16pcs) means 7$/14=0.5$ reg+pic price per one avalon.
If 60/80A reg can done for 5$ and one ~10$ pic32mx795 are used say per 280 avalons -> 0.036$/chip, + 60A reg per 20pcs avalons -> 0.25$/chip total ~0.28$ per avalon chip or ~50% cheaper.
Calculation are crude and don't include ferrite, caps etc price, but they are ~equal for same amperes so don't affect much.
One more thing for separating boards: you can populate motherboard later full. You can maybe later add bitsyncom addon cards.
Or maybe even mix bitfury chip in some chain.
So general motherboard with plenty of IO's and many asic chips chains boards. Types for water cooling, 8, 10 14 chip chain lenght etc. Diffrent alternates if some component are out of stock.
Maybe time to start kolondike V2.0 plans?