Nice one mate! A house without a foundation obviously would not last which is the reason why a lot of people do not usually last in anything they embark on. They rush out the same way they rushed in and pathetically end up blaming everyone for their own mistakes they ignorantly make.
This is an applicable thing in the general world and not just in cryptocurrency and the only people that get to succeed in a particular area are those who took their time to learn everything they needed to and never stopped learning as the case may be.
The funniest part is that the internet age has made it very easy for everyone to easily access information, but it just seems laziness keeps increasing by the day as people just want to skip the learning part and do as they please.
Even now you could probably say that people have been lazy in the sense that the information about Bitcoin and crypto has been out there for years, as well as on the mainstream media news channels from time to time, and still most people never bothered to learn what it's about.