Prove it to me .Zooplus ,quintiilieo, hatuferu and Fatanut. I owned this accounts 5-6 months ago then sold that time. Believe me or not then its up to you ..
Which is shady behavior in its own regard.
Investigate i don't wanna show anymore any proof ,Because i think Private Messages now is A Public Message .please respect others if you dont respect yourself..
As a *wise* escrow scammer used to say, you should not expect private messages to remain private unless they're encrypted via PGP.
I Advice TimeLord go to Junk Shop and Learn some Good Values there can make this investigations in the right way and in a proper investigation NOT LIKE THIS .IDIOT .. Hahahahah .
Be a good boy in school .
Attacking someone will make this only worse for you.
Tagged all besides Fatanut & watching in case of new (pro or contra) evidence. Check your post, some weird formatting puts Fatanut's link to the very right (I almost missed it the first time).