Your recent EUR deposit is originating from the bank with BIC xxx (xxx). Due to regulatory compliance reasons, bank deposits from this BIC can currently only be accepted by Kraken if the client submits an ID confirmation photo (xxx) in addition to getting verified to tier 3.
Please note that we can only credit the deposit if you provide such an ID confirmation photo. You can upload the ID confirmation photo directly to your account, under ‘Get Verified’. If you choose to not get verified to tier 3 and if you don't submit an ID confirmation photo, we will refund the deposit to the originating bank account.
We are very sorry about any inconvenience this may cause. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have further questions or concerns.
Kraken Client Engagement
Et y'a même un piège ... en fait.
Il faut "obligatoirement" fournir :
- carte d'identité
- photo de soi-même avec la carte d'identité
- relevé de banque (qui a fait le virement en question)
en contre partie, le gars du support ( ) est entièrement disponible et débloque immédiatement la solution si on lui envoie la validation Tier 3 en temps réel.