Very valuable, thanks alphaking!
Can you tell me more about the blog? I mean.. this almost looks like an internal conversation between Sam and 796. How does this land on a blog?
This blog is written by one admin of 796. Not a record of conversation.
Since there are a lot of bagholders from China, he releases these information on a well-known Chinese blog site.
I think guys from China can verify the authenticity.
I think it's genuine. It's the blog of the CEO of 796, Zhu Rong. Summary:
1 No Samuel Noi in the board list, so 796 requires the Identities of Sam to be proved.
2. Needs authorization of Labcoin for Sam to handle the listing issue.
3. Will sign a contract with Itec, in which 796 will just provide the service, but not endorse anything said by this company.
4. Less shares left than they promised.
5. There's no office in Hong Kong , just a virtual address for registration.