Good morning.
Yesterday the LBC project moved quite a bit forward. I worked hard all day to test and code and so finally there is a GPU client which will be available to eligible users soon. Very soon.
OpenCL diagnostics written.
GPU authorized: yes
Will use 4 CPUs.
Best generator chosen: gen-hrdcore-gpu-linux64
New generator found. (DL-size: 0.72MB)
Benchmark info not found - benchmarking... ./gen-hrdcore-gpu-linux64: /usr/local/cuda-8.0/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/ no version information available (required by ./gen-hrdcore-gpu-linux64)
Couldn't find the program file: No such file or directory
Your maximum speed is 89335072 keys/s per CPU core.
Ask for work... Server doesn't like us. Answer: toofast.
Your client probably updated already to 1.015 - this is the 1st version to choose a GPU-assisted generator if all the prerequisites for it are met:
- You put the --gpu flag on command line (if you don't it will still use the regular CPU generator)
- You are in the top30 or have the GPU-eligible flag set
- You have an AVX2 capable CPU
- Your OpenCL environment is installed
There are still some things missing (like the OpenCL source code - that's why you see that error). After working almost 16 hours straight yesterday, I had to stop at some point.
I intend to have it all working this weekend.
Good news for the client is, the race condition is gone and it can now handle multiple GPUs in a system.
Bad news for those using AMD GPUs is: The client will only look out for Nvidia hardware. There is no technical reason for this. It's just that nobody with AMD hardware sent me a diagnostics file and I will not enable AMD support if untested. I have an AMD GPU machine here myself, but it's windows only and I have to install Linux on it 1st. After I have done and tested that, I will enable it.
edit: it ran for a while then said " so you want to play hard, sucker? yes, ok .. bye" and died. man i love this server hahaha.
error must be on my end i think ;p maybe an update
What you observed is the 2nd line of defense the client has in place to cope with code tampering. Normally it computes a checksum of its source code and sends that to the server which has a database entry which version has which checksum. If you tamper with the code, it will simply say so and block communication. Now if you dig deeper and change the code providing that checksum, you have tampered with the code and the client sends the "correct" checksum to the server. There is a 2nd mechanism in place to prevent that and that's what you have seen. Please do not change the code of the client - it's really not worth it.
whats the Key rate for a p2.16xlarge ?
I managed to get 22 Mkeys/s from a p2.8xlarge - for a while, after having worked hard to put the p2.8xlarge on life support. And it crashed eventually again. Really - these machines are utter shit. And it crashed eventually again. $2 per hour? Bah. And for the regions I have looked up, Amazon wants $144 per hour for the ps.16xlarge. Srsly? In a perfect world you should get 44 Mkeys/s from a p2.16xlarge.
As I said, the best AWS machine for LBC is currently still the m4.16xlarge which gives you 18 Mkeys/s for $0.4 per hour.
As well for :
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 (2.60GHz) 24 Cores
NVIDIA Tesla K80
GPU: 2 x Kepler GK210
That looks way better. My estimate is 2.5 to 3 times the speed you get from the CPU client on that machine. Should be 25 to 30 Mkeys/s.
..24 Haswell cores +
NVIDIA Tesla M60
GPU: 2 x Maxwell GM204
About the same speed, maybe slightly faster, but the GPUs being less under load. The CPUs are still a limiting factor here.