I think I got it open with the command ./LCB -h but not accepting any more commands
anunnaki1202@Anunnaki:~$ ./LBC -h
LBC - Large Bitcoin Collider v. 1.195
client fingerprint: b313bf5169f0453c8fee26a7af399b1a
LBC [options]
Give a BTC address for rewards to this client. You set this
and the server stores that info until you set another.
Allows to process individual blocks stored in file .
One block (number) per line. Only one CPU is used in this case.
Set the number of CPUs to delegate address generation to. By
default only one CPU is used. If you set 0 here, the number of
CPUs to use is set to half of all found, which should get only
physical cores.
Sleep between loops seconds. Great for "pulsed" mode
on e.g. Amazon instances that have CPU credits.
Give a email address for notifications. You set this and the
server stores that info until you set another. NYI
Use .json instead of the default lbc.json
Enable GPU acceleration if available and authorized.
You can give complex options to alter/adjust GPU behavior.
Please see the manual for a detailed documentation.
This help. Options may be abbreviated as long as they are unique.
--id <8-32 chars string>
Register your desired id with the server
Will print out diagnostic information and also create a file
"LBCdiag.txt" with the same info. You will need this only if the
developer asks for it to hunt down some bug.
Will keep asking server for work times. For one run, give
0 or 1. Default: infinite
Prevent the client from auto-updating (itself, generator, blf)
--override |?
Override the LBC generator choice. You get a list of valid
generators when giving '?' as argument.
--pages -|'auto'
Give the interval to work on. 'auto' will let the server assign
an interval. That's the default - you do not need to enter that.
--secret <[oldpassword:]password>
Set or change password to protect your client-id. (and the attached
BTC address). When setting for the first time, use an arbitrary
string for oldpassword!
Time constraint in case client is in pages 'auto' mode. This
puts an upper limit on the client runtime. Format is h:m You are
free to enter '60' for an hour instead of '1:0' If you specify a
pages interval, this option has no effect.
Perform only the update run. LBC will check for updates of
itself, the generator and balance data.
Prints the version of the LBC client and exits.
Performs a thorough systemtest: if generator works, connection
to server, enough memory, present helper binaries, benchmark...
If this runs ok, your system will work.
then any of commands i give to register my username with this ./LBC -id annunaki1202 then reply with
anunnaki1202@Anunnaki:~$ ./LBC -id anunnaki1202
Will use 2 CPUs.
Ask for work... Server doesn't like us. Answer: wrong secret.
or any other command will give different error
please help if anyone knows what is going on
actually I got a test going on fine look below on ./LBC -x command
anunnaki1202@Anunnaki:~$ ./LBC -x
Will use 2 CPUs.
Testing mode. Using page 0, turning off looping.
Benchmark info not found - benchmarking... done.
Your speed is roughly 402766 keys/s per CPU core.
Test ok. Your test results were stored in FOUND.txt.
Have a look and then you may want to remove the file.
2d17543d32448acc7a1c43c5f72cd5be459ab302:u:priv:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 + 0x5e
02e62151191a931d51cdc513a86d4bf5694f4e51:c:priv:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 + 0x65
9d74ffdb31068ca2a1feb8e34830635c0647d714:u:priv:00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f9001 + 0xf8c
3d6871076780446bd46fc564b0c443e1fd415beb:c:priv:00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f9001 + 0xf8c
now when i give the command perl LBC -x I get reply as another error see below please
anunnaki1202@Anunnaki:~$ perl LBC -x
This script must run under the name 'LBC'.
any suggestions what options I got left to try ?