
Topic: LastLaughingGuy - day trading diary - page 20. (Read 47701 times)

copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
March 17, 2019, 06:08:38 PM

Weekly overview - CW12

Wrap up CW11

Finished the week with a loss of 0,034 btc..
It went very good the first half of the week where i was up like 0,15 btc but then i had one desaster trade I'm also showing below and on friday i was bullish on btc and longed alts - which all got stopped out (and btc moving above 4k.... )

trades cw11

overview progress:

winning trade of the week:
long in ONG - saw the upspikes which indicated interest and longed a pullback. just few minutes afterwards the coin pumped. in retrospec i sold way too early. but i was happy about the trade.

losing trade of the week:
definately FET. the setup was perfect and i was super confident. i did long with good size and also sold on my first target. but i altered my plan within the trade. initially i wanted to sell 60% at target 1 and put the stop loss at break even around 6300 for the position i wanted to hold till target 2. but i just sold half and on top of that i put in another order at 6300 to buy back the position i already sold. on top of that i was at work and couldn't monitor the trade. ofcourse it dumped below 6k and i did even add more with a setop at daily low. so badly traded... at one point i was up 0.1 btc in the trade and i ended up losing 0.08 btc with it - just so bad!!

setup when i longed:

how the trade turned out:

copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
March 15, 2019, 07:10:42 AM
I've been trying to be a swing trader, too. Do you have any telegram so that we can reach you easily? I would like to get in touch with you. I mean, I like your trading styles. Also, what indicators are you using? You've gained good profits as a swing trader.

Hi Moiyah - thank you.
iam not only swing trading though .in the evenings i like to scalp too. with regards to trading - the charts here iam posting are the one s iam looking it. so its price action, volume, sometimes moving averages, sometimes RSI - not more. iam saying that too on my post #1.

I'm posting all my trades on twitter more or less in realtime.
and also some explanation  -like yesterday my super bad FET -trade.

chatrooms are a different story. i join sometimes different channels on discord and telegram to check out how are the people posting. way too often its like 500 ppl in the chat ...few are posting and 90% of that is some hindsight crap showing how great they are trading or the chat-whales coming 5 min after BTC dropped telling everyone they are short . thats usually the moment when I'm leaving such groups. tough to find ppl who post in realtime because they all seem to be afraid admittiting losing trades.

e.g. my winrate since october is less than 50% ...but riskmanagement makes me profitable. so thats also important to realize if someone is considering to copy trade - it simply wont work bcs entries might be same but riskmanagement makes the difference.

currently iam most active on that  telegram channel :
- it is not my channel and i joined like 2 weeks ago not at all a shilling of that group. i dont know 99% of the ppl there.  but it is not some crappy pnd - BS group. i was never in such thing.

cyaa LLG
Activity: 630
Merit: 20
March 14, 2019, 06:24:33 AM
I've been trying to be a swing trader, too. Do you have any telegram so that we can reach you easily? I would like to get in touch with you. I mean, I like your trading styles. Also, what indicators are you using? You've gained good profits as a swing trader.
copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
March 10, 2019, 06:31:17 PM

Weekly overview - CW11

Wrap up CW10

Finished the week with a profit of 0,105 btc.. I managed to not be in big movers Smiley - this week had alot of potential so it feels abit meeeehh...but at the end  profit is profit. i plan to be here when BTC hits 100k which would make that a 10k week ;-).

trades cw10

overview progress:

winning trade of the week:
nice break out trade of steem

losing trade of the week:
definately XLM. Planned to swing trade it with target 2900-3000 but sold with a loss after major dump. now it broke out and looks very very good - feels bad!

copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
March 03, 2019, 06:51:01 PM

Weekly overview - CW10

Wrap up CW9

Finished the week with a profit of 0,133 btc.. Market is still tough to trade for me.
People left and right posting nice charts with highly profitable trades but I'm not one of them. I stick to my risk management which means i risk small on long positions (i try to risk 0,5%) and go out quickly - as you can see from my trades, my successrate is less than 50% . We are still in a bear market and i prefer to miss out on gains on the long side than holding bags if we go another step down.

So don't forget if you see all those big gains in discord / telegramm /twitter ...most of the people either:

a) dont tell the truth or at least not posting their losing trades (typical hindsight traders who post exits in real time but entries with 1h delay when their "stop loss is already in profit")
b)  have a risk management which will make them lose alot of their profits if market crashes hard again (but don't worry people don't tell that often)
c) are the one out of 1.000 - 10.000 market wizards - those people exist but i highly doubt they post alot in chats or twitter Smiley

So don't let the success of others influence your trading. BEAR MARKET especially means risk management is the most important thing. Capital preservation is goal number one - gains will follow automatically .

trades cw09

overwiev progress:

currently i'm in a XLM long. it got a huge implus today with regards to volume. i plan to swing it and risk more than usual on it.

thats my current idea of the BTC-movement - here corrolated to the bintfinex shorts ammount.

copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
February 24, 2019, 05:11:44 PM

Weekly overview - CW09

wrap up of the month February:

finished the month with 0.115 btc in profit. Not very successful. i did find it very hard to trade. also got unlucky on exits and missed entries -basically NOTHING working out atm. BUT - capital preserved which is the most important thing.


results CW8

the week ended up with -0,045 btc . I had plenty of losing trades but always small losers. Managing risk with very tright stop losses. Didn't want to be stuck in ALT trades with a potentially incoming huge drop (which basically we saw today)


weekly chart:

Best trade of the week was today with an ONT long - unfurtantely i sold way to early - i could have turned the week into green with that trade.

still currently in a BTC long at 3750

also in a WAVES long at 7000

and entered LINK 10755

copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
February 17, 2019, 05:16:56 PM

Weekly overview - CW08

results CW7

the week was good and ended up 0,13 btc in profit. Best trades were EOS and Stratis (both shown in the last post)


weekly chart:

still currently in a BTC short at 3656

and in a ZIL long at 477

copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
February 04, 2019, 03:57:54 PM

Weekly overview - CW07

edit 14th of Feb.

strat trade worked nicely -resulting in a 0.05btc gain.

edit 13th of Feb.:

currently in a STRAT long: entries 2307 + 2356

edit 12th of Feb.:
was able to do a nice EOS trade today which did net a 0,065 btc. profit. basically buying the break out (see chart).

results CW6

did not trade during the week due to a business trip. so i once again keep it short. my current winrate is low too so not trading much is not so bad.

weekly chart:

results CW5:

didnt trade much since there were just not many good setups. the trade i did choose failed. i put the charts in here.
less than 2% down on the account overall this week, so its not the end of the world. Overall its a waiting game at the moment. i need to be patient - no overtrading just for the sake of trading.

weekly chart since the beginning of the challenge:

STRAT TRADE: Entry 2310 2290 2270 2260 -exit average 2246

copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
January 28, 2019, 03:30:17 PM

Sorry to hear that man, take care and when you come back, do share some explosive trades
Thank you Smiley but its all good again! please follow on twitter for postings in real time. posting on twitter and here while trading is getting too much. so i will basically conclude here more often afterwards, but still post charts/orders explain the idea behind the trade.

Weekly conclusion - CW04

i keep it short ...just did 2 trades.

overall progress.. till CW4'19

updates - CW05
was at work today so i couldnt trade. market is very weak now. dont want to enter too early into some coins for a rebound. watchlist especially BNB and link

HI all,

didnt trade much during the week - mainly no time during the day and btc too weak for swing trades. did a xrp scalp trade yesterday which failed and resulted in a 0.01 btc loss.

since january is over are all the trades done - resulting in being up 0,045 btc. Definately a weak month but iam still happy. first 10 days i was down around 0,2 btc , then recovering , then a week sick ..and the last week with not so many chnaces. looking forward to february.

Activity: 94
Merit: 0
January 27, 2019, 02:28:36 AM
where are you man, missing your posts here.

Hello himanshu,

sorry - just checked crypto first time this week. my kids did hand over their kindergarden /school viruses and  took me out.
did update the link trade in the posting below.
Getting on it again Smiley


Sorry to hear that man, take care and when you come back, do share some explosive trades
copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
January 26, 2019, 12:15:51 PM
where are you man, missing your posts here.

Hello himanshu,

sorry - just checked crypto first time this week. my kids did hand over their kindergarden /school viruses and  took me out.
did update the link trade in the posting below.
Getting on it again Smiley

Activity: 94
Merit: 0
January 26, 2019, 03:00:53 AM
where are you man, missing your posts here.
copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
January 20, 2019, 07:08:02 PM

I think you were banned for creating multiple posts on a single row. Please do not create multiple posts on same row. If you have more than one posts before replying someone just edit  previous post. I think if you follow this you will be able to avoid for further ban.

nice to see you again.

you are correct. i also messaged the mod and asked if it will be ok to make at least once a week a new posting since the interaction here is low. then i will just start concluding the previous week and just edit the daily updates below. Lets see. (btw posts didn't get deleted - just merged bcs. that was one of your concerns.)

i guess i will start right here because i should be able to do that after your post Smiley.


Weekly update - CW03

1) overview perfomance since start of the diary (had some free time during the ban Smiley ) ...

weekly chart - performance from cw 42'18 -cw 03'19 (Okt'18-now)

2) concluding cw 03.

iam currently in a link long where i bought 10k at an average of 13474 (real time entries on twitter)
it broke the wedge nicely - looking for 150 as a potential target.

edit: 26th of january:

link went nicely to 159. but when it broke out last weekend i didnt like the deep pullbacks. so i did put my stop loss up to early and sold some at 137 which made me miss the nice move.

SOLD 10k link at and average of 13449 for a 0,34% loss or -0,005 btc.


did trade DLT (entries posted realtime on twitter) for a gain of 7,5% or 0,04 btc.

chart for explanation / entry /exit:

hero member
Activity: 1134
Merit: 517
January 20, 2019, 05:46:03 PM
Hey all,

sorry for not posting the last days. I'm not someone who just quits but unfortunately i got banned without any warning.

since sending messages is also not allowed i couldnt explain myself to the mod either.

at first i thought maybe a misunderstanding but then i saw the mod also deleting my posting.

I think you were banned for creating multiple posts on a single row. Please do not create multiple posts on same row. If you have more than one posts before replying someone just edit  previous post. I think if you follow this you will be able to avoid for further ban.
copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
January 16, 2019, 03:14:24 PM
hey all

SOLD 1874 STRAT at 3101 for a gain of 24,7% or 0,115 btc


SOLD  42321 VIBE at 1257 for a gain of 2,7% or 0,014 btc


STRAT trades obviously very nice. taking profits here to lock in the gains.
The last 2 trades brought us to ATH after starting in OCT, 21st just cracking 1 btc profit.

I'm Currently flat and will look for new opportunities.

Join me on to see real time entries and exits

I wish you only good luck in trading, sometimes many want to copy the actions of a successful trader, few can provide such an opportunity

Thank you very much Smiley

edit: since the charts are vissible again here the stratis for the beauty of it.

Daily update

Hi all,

Traded AE for a loss of 4.66% or -0,325 btc


Join me on to see real time entries, exits & charts

Im currently long 100k GO (Entry 626, currently 641) and 600 GVT (entry 9961 currently 101,74)

Daily update

hi all,

did not have time to trade today.

unfortunately GO got stopped out at the low. i was 7% up there and did close for -5%, it looked like breaking the resistance arounf 650 but then got sold heavily. Must not happen but didnt want to adjust the hard stop to break even.

SOLD 100k GO at 595 for a loss of 5% or 0,031 btc

need to be abit carefull. the last two weeks were great (as told during my ban i was able to do some nice trades) and my entries /exits seem to be abit spewy. the GO -setup was nor perfect at since i mist the initial break.

GVT iam still holding - currently up 2% ..not much.

other than that i'm currently flat.

See you tomorrow Smiley

Daily update

hi all

no new trade - holding GVT still

People are sometimes asking where i think where btc goes.

basically this is a good visualization which compares the last bear market after 2014 with the recent one.

i also think we dont have a bottom yet and a panic drop is still ahead. a dip below 2k i would take with eyes closed.

after the last BTC move theses are my entry areas - orders are placed on bitmex

long 500 NEO 2179 - Stop loss 2139

full member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 101
January 15, 2019, 09:49:01 PM
I wish you only good luck in trading, sometimes many want to copy the actions of a successful trader, few can provide such an opportunity
copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
January 15, 2019, 10:54:55 AM
Postings 15th of Jan 2019

hi all,

i will use this posting for today and edit it for putting new information into it.

first a delayed entry sorry for that but i want to start to put entries in again.

LONG 1874 STRAT at 2484

did reach the 23.6% fib range which confluences with a demand zone. yesterday popping off of it.

its at resistance. if we manage to break trough i think 2900 is likely.


edit 1: time: 4:04 pm

long 100k QKC 1103

sick move to 1460 ...speculating that 23.5 fib level offers an area to turn

edit 2: adding 40k QKC at 1113

edit 5: SOLD 140k QKC  for an average of 1115 for a gain of 0,67% or 0,01 btc - had a huge loss there due to the bad eth news.


edit 3 Long 145k TNT 498

edit 4 Sold  145k TNT 520 and 528 for a gain of 5,1% or 0,034 btc


EDIT 4 42k VIBE long 1222
EDIT 6 - 1200-1220 seems to hold for now ..good chance that we turn up here

EDIT 7: SPOLD half VIBE at 1289

ok guys I'm basically giving up posting here in real time.

i tried it today and it sucks with the edits without any timestamp.
now all the pictures got erased too since bandwith was exceeded ( sorry for working on a 47 inch monitor Smiley)

so what i did is setting up my twitter account. just made my first tweet and will just post entries and exits in real time there.
Follower so far one Smiley clue why the guy followed me.

here then i will conclude my trades at the end of the day.

full member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 101
January 14, 2019, 10:41:25 PM
Excellent results, you need to take an example from such as you, I hope your further trade also brings only profit
copper member
Activity: 94
Merit: 15
January 14, 2019, 08:02:22 PM
Hey all,

sorry for not posting the last days. I'm not someone who just quits but unfortunately i got banned without any warning.

since sending messages is also not allowed i couldnt explain myself to the mod either.

at first i thought maybe a misunderstanding but then i saw the mod also deleting my posting.

i then thought maybe my posting were against forum rules but what the mod basically did was re-organizing my postings.
so yeah - basically i got banned for excessiv bumping and then got shown how the thread should look like.

i find that questionable communication skills but their house their rules. it was not in my intention to break forum rules. i honestly also cant care less about bumping my thread.

it's history now anyway but my bigger problem now is to figure out how i should do all that here.
First of all, if you scroll down and read through one longer posting the mod restructured i got to say its quite tough to not get confused. i actually never saw comparable postings in other threads, so i'm basically get told to post in a way not many else do i suppose.

at the end this was supposed to be a day trading thread and i wanted to emphasize on real time entries and exists, because i think not many do that. since i will need to edit posts it wouldn't update ofcourse and you guys cant see my decision in real time. sorry for that but i think there is not much i can do. another problem is also posting entries via phone in real time, because that would create a new post as well.

Anyway - maybe one of you got an idea what to do. maybe there is another place here somewhere where i dont get banned for my posting style of the last 3 months. I will also ask the mod.

Maybe i will create one posting a day and edit that. lets see how that would look like and how easy it is to understand. atm i dont really see that working out but lets try.

If however i will get banned again - hope not - then i guess I will need to close that here unfortunately.

with regards to trading the last days were great- i made around 0,3 btc mainly with LINK and TRON but ofcourse i will not count that in.

Lets try tomorrow and yeah ...its highly appreciated if there are any suggestions on how to do it here without getting banned but at the same time making it possible to easily understand what iam doing and in what order.


hero member
Activity: 1134
Merit: 517
January 12, 2019, 06:01:59 PM
On last week I have seen a lots of posts here but now it is very low, why? Have you removed your posts for any reason. For removing/deleting posts we will miss lots of day trading diary. To check latter it is the 184 number posts.
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