The CredaCash project is pleased to announce the release of its next generation completely private blockchain and cryptocurrency. This release adds an integrated, peer-to-peer crosschain exchange to provide instant access and liquidity to all users. The exchange is entirely peer-to-peer and non-custodial, eliminating the risks associated with centralized exchanges, swap contracts, and crosschain bridges.
This release also adds CredaCash currency mining based on the use of the exchange, to ensure currency goes to users who support the project and help grow the community.
CredaCash was the first project to demonstrate practical private transactions, over two years ahead of any other project. It was the first to release advanced privacy features such as completely private tokenized assets, completely private multi-signature transactions, completely private escrow transactions, and completely private crosschain swaps, making CredaCash the most private blockchain and cryptocurrency in the world.
And now CredaCash is the first private cryptocurrency to include an integrated peer-to-peer crosschain exchange.
The ultimate vision is an open platform for cryptocurrency and tokenized assets that is fast, final, and massively scalable, while supporting complete privacy and instant liquidity through an integrated crosschain exchange.
The CredaCash project has also developed unique and powerful methods to pay distributions. These techniques have unprecedented scalability, and will allow millions of organizations to near simultaneously distribute dividends, interest, royalties, and other income at the end of an accounting period without overloading the network or interrupting trading. This is a key capability to enable widespread securities trading on a blockchain network, and no other blockchain even comes close. The CredaCash project hopes this unique technology soon becomes available in an open, global, consensus-based network.
One of the best ways to get involved is to start mining the CredaCash cryptocurrency. Like many other projects, if CredaCash is widely mined, then it will be successful.
Anyone can mine CredaCash, it requires no special equipment, just a computer and an internet connection. More information can be found at new software release can be found at A community-developed GUI wallet may also be available shortly.
If you run into any difficulties, or have questions or comments, please feel free to contact us here, on our website at or on our Telegram channel at you,
The CredaCash Team