Well, https://bitcoinwisdom.com/litecoin/difficulty shows in 12 hours difficulty will go up 6.42% for LTC...thus at (what I get) at an
L3+ (currently, the main product for us now for scrypt-pow) ....at 41c per day!
I ASSUME no one is dense enough to be buying L3+'s in mass with these LTC prices and I also assume
there are NO other competitors to Bitmain ..that could pump scrypt-pow machines for LTC diffiulty up 6.42% in the last few days
so you are probably correct..they are probably filling data halls with new scrypt-pow miners to replace the L3+ and your likely S11 BTC miner...
fill the data halls over the summer ..drive up say difficulty of LTC up and if not at least 'upsurp' the network share ..and offer pre-orders in late fall
I just can't see folk buying Bitmain L3+'s in mass enough to kick up the difficulty 6.42% supposedly, and no other mnfg has numbers to do this
either IMHO, thus it is bitmain with a new scrypt pow unit that they are slipping into the data halls, gain matches the 'coupon' death in June...
We will see, but likely above, IMHO