Completely irrelevant to the case and [IMO] barely contributive to an absolute resolution/outcome of the case, but since several people mentioned about OP's main account... it's actually not that hard to find. OP did not do a good attempt to sever any connection between this second account from his main one. Force of habit and all.
Come to my mind, though, roycilik, you want his real UID so you can personally compensate him from your own personal wallet? I can't be 100% sure it's his, given it took me just minute to cross-reference several things and tie both account, but I'm quite confident.
I'll share it here, and OP can confirm whether it is indeed his [and he can get his due payment] if you both agreed to it.
People should focus on the topic if it is true or not, rather than asking my real bitcointalk id.
anyone can PM me if want to discuss anything. . And i will share & confirm my real account along with other details
if need. Thanks
To be precise, I am not asking your real ID. I've already know it, assuming I deduct correctly. And yes, I am focusing on the topic. Small part of it, at least.
As I said above, it might barely contribute to an absolute resolution of the case [which would be the total payment for all participants, preferably from the wallet of the project owner], but given [I believe] one of the aim of this thread, aside from raising awareness about the situation, as well as what roycilik want as the least that he can do, is to get you paid what's rightfully yours, and I offered you both that.
roycilik can't pay you if he didn't know who you are on his participant list, as he don't know how much he owed you. So...