Let's play Hunt the Solar Panels
First, let's orient Leroy Fodor's former Sari Sari building to show North et al.:
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=682270891797019&set=a.391237460900365.95861.100000423434974&type=3&theaterhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Davao+City,+Davao+del+Sur,+Philippines/@9.1368157,125.5590405,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x32f96d9f519e327f:0xb53a24589f79c573!8m2!3d7.190708!4d125.455341Recent street view of the front of the building looking west (its front facing east):
https://www.google.com/maps/@9.1368157,125.5590405,3a,75y,288.42h,67.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soYCymg7iN_eWMLAqfDKpUg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656Gleaned from Leroy Fodor's Facebook page, the same building looking west:
South side of the building looking north:
North side of the building looking south:
Clearly, if solar panels existed they would've been laying flat on the west-sloping/facing tin roof since it's obviously that the panels weren't raised and angled south like all the experts state, with Leroy on record in stating that the solar array was indeed facing west gathering enough sunlight though all them trees to augment the public utility known for brownouts to power the largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines at the time.
The following are pics of the building immediately after the fire taken circa December 2012. See if you can find any evidence of solar panels that were attached to the tin roof prior to and during the fire. Don't let the shade from the tall trees surrounding three sides of the building hamper your search, for if the honorable Leroy Fodor says the solar panels are in the rubble, then you bet your bottom satoshi that they're there.
Southwest corner - no solar panels seen:
South side of the building - no solar panels seen:
Inside the building at its northeast corner looking southwest - no solar panels seen:
East side of the building looking west - no solar panels seen:
This is the north wall of the Sari Sari where Leroy Fodor claimed the largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines at the time was located. Note how Leroy and his skunk wife are trying to salvage what's left of the mining farm. Also, note still no solar panels seen.
Partial roof exposed of north side of building closest to the trees there to help shade the solar array from the sun's intense heat - no solar panels seen on the tin roof:
West wall showing roof tin panels bare of any structures whatsoever including solar panels - none seen:
East side of the building looking west - no solar panels seen:
The following (with commentary by me) is from Leroy Fodor trying in vain to explain away his reasoning for orienting the non-existing solar panel array so to power the non-existing largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines at the time.
Bruno what is your point about the west facing roof.
The building was built for water runoff not for solar power. and no matter if it was the way the roof ended up being was the best place for the solar panels anyways. please get on your google earth again
, and notice the HUGE OPEN FIELD to the ...wait for it....WAIT FOR IT.... TO THE WEST
, yes open field to the West of the building
. See the north and the south?
Mango trees, coconut trees, Bamboo trees,
also right in front of the building coconut trees.
Why would anyone in their right mind face the panel south on the roof that was shaded by huge mango trees?
Have you been here bruno, did you see the building first hand, did you touch it,
Ok then how can you possibly know what is the best for that area, because you read it from some professor in manila i a college and no trees around for hundreds of kilometers. I mean how often do we listen and do exactly as an expert advises?
I did what was best for our area and our building, I did not need to call the guy in Manila and ask his advice or his permission, i did what the sun and my roof provided. I know you dont like it,
and I am sure that everything in your house is exactly how the professors
at MIT would expect to see, But I am not you.
Can i ask you a question Bruno? Is there a reason you like burying my posts when I disprove yours or anyone elses accusations.
Now thats not fair is it
>, You certainly want everyone to see what you are saying. so when you get the proof and you see your wrong, dont bury the answer so they cant find it, thats just unethical man, play fair or do not play at all sir.
thats not very nice at all.
Front of building: East (see the coconut trees?)
Back of the building: West (direction rot tin roof slants) (see the trees behind the building?)
North (see more trees?)
South, from the where the pic was taken (notice the absence of trees, just a grassy field?)
If this motherfuckin' can't even tell the truth as to where there were and weren't trees, how the fuck can he be trusted with other peoples' moneys unless, that is, you're a fuckin retard and that lying about the positions of trees have no bearing on whether or not one's a scammer or not.
The following is what else Leroy Fodor had to say about them non-existing solar panels:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.12010467The miners were on the top floor farthest to the right, just as you walked in the door right next to the imaginary internet cafe you did not believe existed yet I proved otherwise. The solar panels were on the back side of the roof where there was no shade from the coconut trees. The fire was so hot it melted tin roofing so use your brain and figure what could have possibly happened to the solar panels and computers and GPUs. The power lines above the tin roofing even caught fire and the fire never actually hit those wires thats how hot the fire was. Stop acting like a child.
Flames so hot they melted the tin roofing. Note no evidence of melted tin roofing. Flames shot high in the sky and caught electric wires on fire, but the coconut tree leaves withstood the immense heat. Perhaps NASA is planning on using them leaves to protect the capsule going to Mars from the suns heat and radiation. Note that Leroy mentions the location of the largest bitcoin mining farm in all the Philippines. Did you see any evidence of miners in any pics of the fire's aftermath? Me neither. Then again, I'm just a lonely old man acting like a child getting my kicks on Route 66 while getting handsomely paid to fuck with Leroy Fodor. By whom, that's anybody's guess, but it was to be true since there's not a speck of evidence within this post proving Leroy Fodor to be a liar, let alone a serial liar.
HAHAHASince I put so much time in this post, I will now reuse it every chance I get to stick it up the ass of ANYBODY who comes to Leroy's defense, including when Leroy posts, claiming he's not a liar.